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Dear Fellow Patriots,

We write to you today to talk about the freedoms granted to us by the United States Constitution. We are close to losing our unique country as it was founded.

We are still hopeful we can gain it back.

You have shown interest and support in the work and effort of Sidney Powell and Defending The Republic, in proving election fraud in the 2020 election. Thank you for that. You have no idea what your continued support, emails, cards, letters, and prayers have meant to Sidney personally and now to her team.

It may seem that there is nothing going on or that when you do hear about Sidney, it is negative and inflammatory. And most of it is not true, and it is frequently highly deceptive (such as the recent fake news where some legal terms of art from a filing as deceptively spun as a claim that Sidney has backed away from her beliefs, which was pure falsehood).

We want to assure you that there is a great effort underway, but for the moment it is being done, quietly.

There is a small army of people working with Sidney and you will be among the first people who know about the results of those endeavors!

In the meantime, we want you to be armed with information and knowledge.

We know, you have experienced that there is almost no place to find news that can be trusted and that many people you would like to hear from have been censored and de-platformed.

We will be sending you stories and videos with short comments that we think will keep you informed and on top of the battles.

We will send them based on the urgency of the news and hope this information will be useful to you and that you will share it with your orbit of friends and family.

Thank you again for your support. We are greatly blessed by it.

Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic


Special Note to our supporters:

We believe one of the best ways that you can help us in the battle to save America is to educate yourself on the facts and then share that with the people who are in your world.

We will help you by providing information and facts, we ask you to pass along this information through email and all of the social media you participate on.

Information is FREEDOM and POWER!

Always remember, wearing the armor of God, including the Truth, YOU can make a difference every day.