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Evidence of fraud in


Now Is The Time To Act

We encourage people to contact their state legislators to demand they get involved per Article II and ensure election integrity and that the People are not disenfranchised by fraud.

If you are a resident of Nevada, click below to locate your legislator using your address.

Senators >

Assembly >



Biden – 703,486 (50.06%)
Trump – 669,890 (47.67%)

I’ve done several deep dives that included NV, so won’t go into too much detail here. 14 counties + Independent Carson City trended roughly as expected, no real demand for forensics in those unless a statewide audit happened.

Washoe is a little heavy on votes but not smoking gun like Clark County is.

Red – Rampant
Yellow – Possible
Green – Clean

Please review NV attachment for more details.

Estimate 100k+ excess votes in Clark County for JB.

Forensic audit is a must for Clark County, but governor, Sec. State, and legislature are major issues.