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Dear Patriots,

We hope you had a good weekend celebrating all of our fathers.

We do not like to start the week on such a distressing story but, we feel it is important to share with you the devastating results to some people of the unlicensed, unnecessary Covid-CCP vaccination.

The Fake News is ignoring these stories. We ask that you read them and share them so no more death and life altering results of the vaccination occur.


Heart problems in vaccinated students trigger medical, legal scrutiny of campus COVID mandates.  “Even a slight risk of a serious vaccine adverse reaction could tip the benefit-risk calculation” for young people, medical professors say. – Just The News – June 21 2021

As the government reviews several hundred reports of heart inflammation in young people following COVID vaccination, high-profile medical and legal scholars are calling on colleges to scrap their COVID vaccine mandates, calling them unnecessary and potentially harmful to students.

University of California-Irvine medical ethicist Aaron Kheriaty and University of Notre Dame law professor Gerard Bradley went so far as to invoke the post-Nazi Nuremberg Code in urging universities to abandon their mandates, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week.


This story is almost more than we can bear. There is no reason to jab a 13 year old with a untested vaccine for a virus that, in this age group, is rare and, if caught, is 99% recoverable.  Parents are NOT given any kind of warning before they allow this shot to be given to their young children.

COVID Vaccine Advocate Post Proof Of Her 13-Year-Old Nephew Vaccination Who Died Three Days Later From Heart Failure – He Had No Known Health Problems – June 21, 2021   Defiant America

More than 300 cases of heart inflammation after Covid-19 vaccinations have been reported in young people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday. “The case are rare,” she said. “Over 20 million adolescents and young adults [have been] vaccinated in the United States.”

The teenaged boys all looked like they were having heart attacks. They complained of chest pain and general discomfort, and tests looked at first as if they were suffering an acute myocardial infarction, or heart attack. But they weren’t. Instead, the seven youths ages 14 to 19 were suffering from a very rare type of heart inflammation. It’s one that public health officials are beginning to link to Covid-19 vaccines.

But what the mainstream media failed to report is that one 13-year-old kid even died three days after receiving the vaccine.

Tami Burages who is a vaccine advocate herself posted a photo with the vaccination card of her nephew.   He died three days after receiving the second dose. The initial autopsy results were that his heart was enlarged and there was some fluid surrounding it. He had no known health problems and didn’t receive any medications.


Has America already become a medical police state?

This 6:17 minute video addresses a very shocking issue.   All indications are that we are well down the road and we must fight this constant effort to remove all of our freedoms.  Please share this with everyone.


You can also find this video on our video page, which has a lot of information to view and share.

There are more of us than there are of them!

Sidney and Defending the Republic will NOT stop fighting!


We close today with this reminder.

Twitter is NOT a representation of real life in America.

To make political or life decisions based on what is posted on Twitter is nothing short of nuts.

Pew Research has studied the Twitter population and found it to be wanting in representing the country.

Differences in How Democrats and Republicans Behave on Twitter

Sizing Up Twitter Users


Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken