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Dear Patriots,

There are days when someone says, “Boy, this is a slow news day. Not much is happening.”

We say, “Balderdash! There is never a slow news day!”

What we DO have is:

Day after day of the Mainstream/Drive By/Fake News cabal that ignores, stifles, and de-platforms the real news that is happening on a daily basis.

Here are just a few subjects that the government media refuses to inform their dwindling audience about. These subjects cannot be covered, or if covered, are riff with lies.

* The fraud election of 2020

* The audits

* More state leaders demanding audits

* Vaccine deaths and injuries

* Children’s immunity to Covid-CCP

* The ridiculousness  of masks

* The excellent immunity you have if you have had Covid-CCP

* The success of HCQ, Ivemectim, and the Zelenski Protocol to prevent and cure Covid-CCP

* The availability of a spray that kills ALL viruses for three months on surfaces.

* The disgusting career of Dr Fauci

* The silencing of thousands of doctors and nurses who have on the ground experience with Covid-CCP and disagree with the government approach

* The dwindling capacity of the current President

* The computer content and life of Hunter Biden

* The invasion at the border

* The spike in child trafficking

* The massive government spending

* Rising inflation

* High energy costs

* High unemployment

* Decline of small businesses

* Ever rising taxes at all levels of govenment

* The parent revolt against public school curriculum

* The declining numbers enrolled in public schools

* The poor educational results of public school teaching

* The massive crimes and abuses in China


   Cyber crimes of all kinds

   The importing of deadly Fentanyl which is killing millions

   Environment damages

   Organ harvesting

   Imprisonment of ethnic groups

* Devastating crime rate increases all over the country but especially in Dem-run states and cities

* The rise of citizens from countries protesting for freedom from their governments

* Censorship by Big Tech against anyone who brings any of this up

So, yes, when media bosses shut off all output of these issues, you might think there are slow news days!

Frankly, we have a hard time, on a daily basis, trying to select from the vast array of stories that you may have missed but need to know about.

Here are links to places to get real news. We urge you to forsake so-called Mainstream Media including Fox News, and dive deep into alternatives. There are many alternatives. Find your favorites and stick with them.  This is not intended as a complete list, just to get you started.

Information is key to winning the battle. We have had many avenues closed to us to push out the truth. But other avenues are opening.

Sign up for newsletters, bookmark the sites, get alerts for new podcasts.

Find them! Read them! Share them!


– Revolver News


– Epoch Times


– The National Pulse


– The Gateway Pundit


– Just The News



– War Room


– Dan Bongino


–  Dinesh D’Souza



– Sharyl Attkisson


– Alex Berenson



1- This is a BRILLIANT explanation by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who did his own research of why his patients were exhibiting micro-blood clotting after receiving the injection. 

He did scans, which showed nothing, but then he did a D-dimer test (simple blood test that indicates new blood clotting) and found 62% of his patients experienced elevated D-dimer levels after the vaccine.   Please watch this and share it. You may save a life!

2- Providence Teacher Ramona Bessinger On Biased CRT Curriculum:

It’s “very stressful for me as an educator to have to teach … a partial truth”

“we cannot omit entire segments of U.S., American history and world literature. And certainly we can’t stop teaching the Holocaust.”

3- Court Rules Against University That Targeted Christian Group,

Saying They Were ‘Hard-Pressed’ To Find A More Blatant Example Of ‘Discrimination’

We will have MUCH more all week every week.

Encourage your friends and family to sign up to the Defending the Republic newsletter. It is one of the best ways to find honest information.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken