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Dear Patriots,

To all of our veterans, past and present, we honor your many sacrifices for our country.  We are one day past Veteran’s Day but we hold you all in great esteem year round.  Your service continues our ability to live as free people.

We thank your families for making those sacrifices with you.

As we witness the diminishment of freedoms in the United States of America, we are more determined than ever to support our military service members as they are being forced against their wills to submit to leftist edicts.


Here is some good news you may have missed.

1- Finally, the incumbent Democrat had to admit he lost.

(Fox News) 

Longtime New Jersey Senate President concedes to GOP truck driver Ed Durr

QUOTE: Republican John Isemann, running for Congress in New Jersey’s 7th congressional district, explains why he believes his competitive district will turn red in midterms.

New Jersey state Senate President Steve Sweeney conceded Wednesday to Republican candidate and commercial truck driver Edward Durr, who spent only $153 on his primary campaign.

“The results of Tuesday’s election are in, all votes have been fairly counted, and I, of course, accept the results,” Sweeney said during a press conference at the statehouse.”I want to congratulate Mr. Durr and wish him the best of luck,” added Sweeney, who has served as New Jersey state Senate president since 2010.When asked “what happened” to upend the race in the state’s 3rd Legislative District, Sweeney replied, “It was a red wave.”

2- Some states protect freedoms and provide early treatment, and some states don’t.


Despite Mandates Aplenty, California’s COVID Rate Now Doubles Florida’s

QUOTE:  The rate of new COVID-19 cases in California is currently more than twice the rate in Florida, prompting debate about draconian public health measures implemented across the Golden State, like vaccine mandates for small children. California is averaging 16 new cases per 100,000 residents the last week compared to just seven in Florida.

California’s full vaccination rate (62%) is higher than places like Florida (60) and Texas (54), where state leaders do not enforce mask policies or support strict mandates.

The Golden State has seen a surge of more than 60% in new cases in the last two weeks, compared to a 20% drop in the Sunshine State. Clearly, their progressive edicts failed to quell recent outbreaks.

“Gov. DeSantis is proud of Florida’s success with launching monoclonal antibody treatment sites throughout the state, which made a huge impact on lowering hospitalizations and saving lives. Early treatment – getting the monoclonal antibodies as soon as possible after testing positive or experiencing symptoms – cuts the risk of hospitalization by 70% or more,” DeSantis Press Secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News.

3- The treatment championed by Governor DeSantis has been shown to have a longer lasting protection. This is also the treatment that President Biden rationed so fewer Americans would have access to it.


Regeneron says single dose of drug cut risk of COVID-19 by 81.6%

QUOTE: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals today announced the results from a Phase 3 trial jointly run with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which assessed the use of a single dose of investigational REGEN-COV, a monoclonal antibodies drug, to prevent COVID-19 in uninfected individuals.

The new analyses show REGEN-COV reduced the risk of contracting COVID-19 (i.e., laboratory-confirmed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections) by 81.6% during the pre-specified follow-up period (months 2-8), maintaining the 81.4% risk reduction during the first month after administration, which was previously reported in The New England Journal of Medicine.

4- There are many health professionals breaking from the left’s propaganda on Covid-CCP and risking jobs to get information to the public.

If you live in the Kansas City surrounding area and would like to hear more, consider attending this event over the weekend.

Join physicians, scientists, and frontline professionals to discuss, share insights, and analyze findings regarding COVID-19 treatment and care.

For more information and to register online go to KCCovidSummit.org $30 or cash at door. SPACE IS LIMITED


Dr. Richard Fleming – Dr. Richard Urso -Dr. Heather Gessling – Dr. Mollie James – Dr. Deborah Chisholm – Dr. Ryan Cole – Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill – Dr. Pierre Kory – Dr. Jana Schmidt – Dr. Karladine Graves- Jonathan Lotz – Plus, other special guests!


Forerunner Church

12444 Grandview Rd

Grandview, MO 64030

DATE: November 13, 2021

DOORS OPEN: 8:30am



5- Little by little we are hearing that the vaccines are being used incorrectly.

(The Epoch Times)

Senior NIH Doctor Pushes Back on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

QUOTE: A top infectious disease doctor has raised alarm about COVID-19 vaccine mandates despite top federal officials recommending them for businesses, schools, and other institutions.

Dr. Matthew Memoli, who runs a clinical studies unit within the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci—is scheduled to argue against COVID-19 vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 seminar hosted by the agency, according to David Wendler, a senior NIH bioethicist who is planning the seminar.

Memoli had told Fauci in a July 30 email that he believes “the way we are using the vaccines is wrong,” adding that mandated vaccines are “extraordinarily problematic,” according to the WSJ.

6- It seems to have taken a lifetime, but it could be the web of lies and deceit surrounding the Clintons is getting tighter.

(Fox News)

Durham probe exposes Clinton campaign ties to Steele dossier

QUOTE: The latest indictment stemming from Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the origins of the Russia probe revealed deep ties between a Russian national who contributed to Christopher Steele’s dossier and a longtime associate of the Clintons.

The indictment of Igor Danchenko states that he was a main source for the dossier, and that he lied to the FBI by claiming that he never discussed allegations made in the dossier with an individual identified in court documents only as “PR Executive-I.” That executive has been identified by his own attorney as Chuck Dolan.

The Danchenko indictment comes after a separate indictment against attorney Michael Sussmann who, as part of the law firm Perkins Coie, worked with the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, including in obtaining the services of research firm Fusion GPS, which ultimately hired Steele.

7- There are a lot of charts here that show interesting results from letting the virus run it’s course without massive vaccines.

(by Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths) 

No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic

QUOTE: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia collectively have 2 billion people… and essentially no access to advanced Covid vaccines.

They are among the world’s most densely populated and poorest countries – fertile ground for Sars-Cov-2.  So the epidemic must be out of control from Karachi to Jakata, right?

It’s almost as if Covid-19 infection waves have a predictable natural course over a two- to three-month period – a sharp rise and nearly equally sharp decline.

It’s almost as if the virus then disappears as many, many people gain natural immunity – including many younger people who never knew they were infected at all because the coronavirus is barely dangerous to them.

It’s almost as if an English epidemiologist named William Farr noted the way epidemics waxed and waned more than 150 years ago.

8- This is such a nice story. Thank you for your service, Mr. Gus Allbritton!

(The Epoch Times) 

Vietnam Vet Loses Purple Heart Medal—Until Good Samaritan Finds It 38 Years Later, Tracks Him Down

QUOTE:  For 71-year-old Georgia resident Gus Allbritton, surviving the Vietnam War was something of a miracle, as he was badly wounded in combat on three separate occasions. And although he received the Purple Heart medal for his sacrifice, that token of honor was later lost in a burglary.

Until 38 years later, in a twist of fate, one good Samaritan Jamie Bath in mid-September stumbled across the Purple Heart while browsing in a flea market, and saw the name “Gus A. Allbritton” engraved on the back. Intrigued, Bath surprisingly easily traced the medal back to its owner through Allbritton’s digital footprint working with the VA—through which Bath connected with him.

A few days later, the medal had been mailed and it found its way back to the veteran.

Receiving it was a surreal experience for Allbritton.”I couldn’t believe that after all this time my Purple Heart is back where it belongs,” Allbritton said. “I gave the other two to my kids, one to my daughter and the other to my son. I think I’ll keep this to myself as the good Lord gave me another opportunity to care for it.”


Read. Know. Share. Get healthy. PRAY.

Defending the Republic