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Dear Patriots,

We promised you more information on the rallies over the weekend.  We have that and more items of interest.

1- Senator Ron Johnson convened a panel of experts that the left has tried to silence and keep from you. That is not working out well for them.

In less than 24 hours, the video of Senator Johnson’s panel had over 800,000 views.
We alerted you to this rare elected politician a week ago.

You can see him in action here, along with hearing vital information from a host of medical professionals, none of whom are Fauci.

(The Federalist)

Sen. Ron Johnson’s Latest Covid Panel Reveals 800,000 People And Counting Want ‘A Second Opinion’

QUOTE: Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin hosted a panel of experts on Capitol Hill on Monday for an event dubbed “COVID-19: A Second Opinion,” to discuss early treatment of the coronavirus and so-called vaccines — and there was quite an audience for it.

Although Johnson’s office invited the most prominent federal bureaucrats to the panel, including Rochelle Walensky, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Jeff Zients, none of them showed up. Instead, some tech-suppressed world experts turned out to speak on topics ranging from hospital treatment and Covid shots to early at-home treatment and mitigation strategies.

Perhaps that’s why just 24 hours after Johnson’s panel, the video had more than three-quarters of a million views on Rumble — the platform the sitting U.S. senator uses since having been censored five times on Google-owned YouTube.


2- One of the most upsetting statistic to come from the Johnson Panel was that there is a massive increase in cancer among our military.

Last October, Defending The Republic sued the Department of Defense on behalf of military members who have refused the vax. Here is a link on the filing of that lawsuit.

(The Liberty Daily)

Bombshell Cover-Up: Cancer Diagnoses in the Military Rose Over THREE-FOLD Since Jabs Were Introduced

QUOTE: Yesterday’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel hosted in Washington D.C. by Senator Ron Johnson exposed bombshell after bombshell as fresh data keeps pouring in that shows the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. 

Conservative commentator Daniel Horowitz from The Blaze posted a follow-up bombshell of information he received from one of the panelists, attorney Thomas Renz:
I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.

Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.

The testimony that Renz delivered should be enough to compel our government to immediately halt the vaccine push, reevaluate the data that they have, and release it all to the public for independent scrutiny. They won’t do this, of course, because they have a universal vaccination agenda that they will not willingly stop. It will take a concerted effort by patriots to share this data and expose the powers-that-be for what they’re trying to do to the people.


3- In election news, there seems to be a lot happening in Wisconsin. This still has to go through the Rules Committee and the Senate but it is amazing that the vote even happened!

(The Gateway Pundit)

Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Withdraw Its 10 Electors for Joe Biden in 2020 Election 

QUOTE: The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a privileged resolution to withdraw its 10 electors for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

The voice vote was unanimous and passed the assembly earlier this evening.

The legislation will now move forward to the Rules Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly and to the Wisconsin Senate, bill 743, for immediate confirmation.

How it happened: Assembly rule 43 resolution or joint resolution relating to the officers, members, former members, procedures, or organization of the assembly or legislature is privileged in that it may be offered under any order of business by a member who has the floor and may be taken up immediately before all other proposals, unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee or to the calendar.


We will leave you with a video produced by Defending The Republic that shows actual video of protests from across the world.  ENOUGH

Read. Know. Share. Pray and

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic