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Another busy week ends with some good news.

1- There are smaller actions in the works all over the various states that are addressing election fraud.

Just The News

Lawsuit claims Michigan election chief illegally accepted Zuckerberg money to swing 2020 election

QUOTE: A lawsuit filed against Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson asserts she illegally accepted private money for the 2020 presidential election to swing the election for President Joe Biden.

The Chicago-based Thomas More Society filed the lawsuit in the Michigan Court of Claims, alleging Benson violated election law by spending private election funding on partisan purposes that denied Michigan voters’ constitutional equal access voting rights. The Center Square previously reported Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan contributed $400 million nationwide into the 2020 election through their Chicago-based nonprofit, the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL).

The 166-page filing claims that nearly half of CTCL’s funds flowed to Democrat-dominated areas where Biden won. For example, the lawsuit says CTCL made 19 payments exceeding $100,000 all to jurisdictions that Biden carried in 2020.

The Michigan Legislature aimed to ban private funding of public elections via Senate Bill 303, which Gov. Gretchen Whitmer vetoed in 2021.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Thor Hearne said that Benson spent CTCL money to boost Democrat-dominated areas in the 2020 election via increased mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

2- This week parents in San Francisco were able to kick three hard core leftists off their school board.


San Francisco recalls 3 school board members amid debate about pandemic priorities

QUOTE: San Francisco voters overwhelmingly cast their ballots to remove three members of the city’s school board Tuesday night, marking the first time in the city’s history members of the board have been recalled.

In an election marred by debate over the pace of school reopenings during the pandemic and the management of controversial social issues in the district, School Board President Gabriela López and board members Faauuga Moliga and Alison Collins were all ousted, with more than 70% of voters backing the effort to recall them, preliminary results from the San Francisco Board of Elections showed.

3- Children in Virginia are soon to be free from wearing masks for eight hours a day.


Governor signs bill ending school mask mandates in Virginia

QUOTE: Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed a bill ending school mask mandates into state law Wednesday afternoon. It will go into effect on March 1.

“This is a very, very important day to reestablish that recognition that parents have a fundamental right to make decisions in regards to their children’s education, their upbringing and their care,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin, (R) Virginia. The Republican governor also added a provision giving school districts until March 1 to develop a plan to comply with the law.

4- Not only is the new Governor of Virginia giving power back to parents, he is working toward making their energy costs lower.

Washington Examiner

Glenn Youngkin’s energy policy offers alternative to Biden’s ‘Greenflation’

QUOTE: Under Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Virginia is cutting a path back in the direction of affordable and reliable energy supplies. It could yield economic and environmental benefits for state residents. If Youngkin is successful in his efforts to free Virginians from policies that drive up the cost of utility bills, his approach would serve as a sharp contrast to the Biden administration’s incessant assault on domestic energy production.

For starters, Youngkin has signaled his determination to withdraw Virginia from a multistate climate change agreement known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The RGGI is built around “cap and trade” regulations that limit carbon dioxide emissions. Participating states compel electric utilities to purchase carbon allowances at quarterly auctions whenever the utilities surpass the initiative’s cap on emissions.

But it is the ratepayers who absorb the cost of the auctions in the form of carbon taxes. Youngkin explained how this works in his executive order calling for a reevaluation of Virginia’s participation in the climate change scheme.

5- When a state has a good, consistent leader there is no limit to success!

Fox News

Florida boasts record tourist numbers despite media fear-mongering about the state

QUOTE: Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis boasted a record number of tourists visited his state in 2021 and officially topped pre-pandemic numbers.

“In 2021, we had the most domestic visitation in the history of our state,” DeSantis said, reporting 118 million visitors to the state within the year.

The fourth quarter saw approximately 30.8 million visitors, a 7% increase when compared to the 29 million tourists that visited during the fourth quarter in 2019.

DeSantis attributed these growing numbers to Florida’s lack of vaccine and mask mandates compared to more progressive states in the country.

“Who wants to travel some place when you want to get a hamburger you have to show your medical papers?” DeSantis said “In Florida, we don’t do that. We are not doing passports. We are not doing mandates.”Since the start of the pandemic, Democrats and their allies in the media have continuously attacked DeSantis for his COVID policies.

6- Socialism fails every time it is tried. EVERY. TIME.


Seattle’s Soda Tax Goes Horribly Wrong

QUOTE: Once again Seattle lawmakers have shown their pre-existing vulnerability to social contagion with predictably embarrassing results.

It wasn’t long after – 2017 to be exact – that Seattle’s mayor, Ed Murray, thought to himself, “How do I get more money to spend for pet projects, change the subject, and screw the taxpayers while attempting to look virtuous? Aha! Eureka! Soda tax!” 

A study finds that Seattleites have responded by switching from sugary sodas to beer. With alacrity. And why not? Sure, beer and wine are taxed, but not to the extent of sugary drinks are at 28 cents per 16 ounces. 

Indeed, the we’re-saving-you-from-yourself crowd might be shocked to learn that 16 ounces of sugary soda are about 140 calories versus the roughly 200 calories for an equal amount of beer.

The study found that after “the implementation of the Seattle SBT, there was a sustained increase in the volume sold of beer in Seattle relative to the comparison site of Portland, reflected in a 5% and 7% increase in the respective one- and two-year post-tax periods.”

7- A win on the war against the Global Warming nuts.

The Epoch Times 

Federal Judge Blocks Key Biden Climate Change Executive Order

QUOTE: A federal judge on Feb. 12 blocked a key climate initiative that was signed by President Joe Biden on his first day in office last year.

U.S. District Judge James Cain blocked the president’s January 2021 executive order that would factor in an alleged “social cost” for emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide when policymakers create rules.

“The Court agrees that the public interest and balance of equities weigh heavily in favor of granting a preliminary injunction,” Cain wrote in an order (pdf) as he issued a temporary injunction.

Cain, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, sided with states in their lawsuit against the federal government and agreed that “the harms to their States and their citizens’ economic well-being more than suffice to establish standing and the possibility of irreparable harm.”

8- Even Democrats have become weary of lawless Hillary.

Daily Wire

Whopping Percentage Of Dem Voters Want Hillary Investigated For Russiagate Scandal

QUOTE: A whopping percentage of Democrats say they want prosecutors to investigate Hillary Clinton for her role in the Russiagate scandal, according to a new poll.

Last month, even before the new findings from Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation found that attorneys for the 2016 Clinton campaign paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower and the Trump White House to establish a “narrative” linking President Donald Trump to Russia, the TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP) poll asked over 1,300 Americans whether they thought Hillary Clinton should be investigated for her role in the affair.

A shocking 66% of Democrats who stated they had been watching the case said they wanted Hillary Clinton investigated, the New York Post reported.

9- Covid-CCP is a highly treatable disease. The science proves this over and over.

Children’s Health Defense

Ivermectin Beats Out 9 Other Meds for Treating Omicron, Study Confirms

QUOTE: Researchers used computational analyses to evaluate the performance of 10 medications against the Omicron variant, finding ivermectin outperformed all of them, including nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid), a new drug from Pfizer that has cost taxpayers $5.29 billion and costs $529 per course of treatment.

    • Ivermectin lowers the viral load by inhibiting replication, reduces infection by 86% when used preventively, speeds recovery, protects against organ damage, lowers the risk of hospitalization and death and costs between $48 and $95 for a course of treatment depending on your location.

    • Early treatment lowers your risk of long COVID, which includes physical and mental health conditions. According to cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, 50% of those sick enough to be hospitalized have symptoms of long COVID.

    • Africa has a lower number of cases, severity of disease, hospitalizations and deaths than other areas of the world, which may be due to using prophylactic medications for endemic infections that have successfully treated COVID.

At nearly no other time in history has there been this level of fear generated across the world as experienced thus far in 2020 and 2021. The depth and breadth of the strategies used to stoke those fears have been overwhelming.

Read. Know. Share. Pray and

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic