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Dear Patriots,

This week is bringing us mixed results. One step forward, one step back.

Despite that, we remain determined and optimistic that we will win back the country.

1- This is not the outcome we had hoped for.

Jan. 6 Defendant Couy Griffin Found Guilty on One Charge, Acquitted of Other

QUOTE: The founder of Cowboys for Trump was found guilty on March 22 of illegally entering restricted U.S. Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, 2021.

U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said Couy Griffin broke the law because he was aware he was in a restricted area and didn’t leave that day during the breach of the U.S. Capitol.

The judge decided on the charges against Griffin because the defendant opted for a bench trial versus a jury one.

“If I was anywhere except Washington, D.C., I would say, ‘Go with a jury trial,'” Griffin told reporters outside the courthouse. “You can’t get a fair jury trial in Washington, D.C., if you’re someone like me, a strong conservative.”

Griffin is to remain free on personal recognizance until sentencing.

2- It is hard to believe this is as far as we have moved on this issue in Georgia.


Georgia Elections Board Approves Subpoena Power for Probe into Potential 2020 Election Fraud
QUOTE: The Georgia Elections Board granted subpoena power to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Monday to secure evidence into possible illegal ballot harvesting in the 2020 election.

In January, Raffensperger announced he would probe a complaint submitted in November by True the Vote, which details digital data of 242 people making visits to drop boxes to dump mail-in ballots.

The complaint says about 40 percent of the trips occurred between midnight and 5:00 a.m., an unusual time to drop off ballots. The probe is also looking into whether participants in the scheme were paid $10 for each ballot they dropped in the unsecure dropbox.

3- The left is genius in throwing up roadblocks.


Maricopa County Receives Renewed Request For Records Or Information In 2020 Election Investigation – What Are They Hiding Now?

QUOTE: After stonewalling the Arizona Senate for nearly a year on access to routers, Splunk logs, and other subpoenaed items that were used in the rigged 2020 Presidential Election, Maricopa County continues to defy even the Arizona Attorney General.

AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich certified the fraudulent election, and he is certifying the cover-up by allowing the County to continue withholding elections machines and data.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann asked what they’re hiding now in a recent tweet.
“Apparently, they are only handing over what they want,” Fann told the Gateway Pundit.

During the Arizona Senate’s full forensic audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election, Maricopa County refused to comply with legal and enforceable subpoenas for routers and Splunk logs. Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli needed to request intervention by AG Brnovich to finally reach a settlement agreement between the County and the Senate.

4- There is a new report on the election in Mesa County, Colorado.  Read the five key findings of this report at the link.

Here is a sneak peek: Experts find a shadow database lurking in Mesa County’s election system.

Emerald Robinson

Exclusive: How Democrats Cheated In The 2020 Election

QUOTE: A new report from two cybersecurity experts who have reviewed all the election data from Mesa County, Colorado shows that a second and illegal database was secretly installed and used to manipulate votes in the 2020 election.

The report — officially called Mesa County Colorado Voting Systems Report #3 — was written by experts who analyzed all the data from Mesa County’s election server, which was saved before the Colorado Secretary of State and the electronic voting machine company “overwrote” and wiped away the contents of the server’s hard drive.

The report describes exactly how the electronic voting machines were used to change votes in the 2020 election — without election officials being aware of any fraud.

Let’s review the key findings of the report, and see the actual forensic evidence of the cheating, shall we?

5- Whenever you read or hear the name Marc Elias, cheating the American voter is involved.

Free Beacon

Facing Stock Trade Controversy, Cindy Axne Used Taxpayer Funds To Hire Dem Fixer

QUOTE: Just two days after a nonpartisan watchdog group filed a complaint showing congresswoman Cindy Axne failed to disclose up to $645,000 in stock trades, the Iowa Democrat used thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds to hire liberal fixer Marc Elias.

Axne, who is facing a difficult reelection bid in a district former president Donald Trump won in both 2016 and 2020, went on to concede that she failed to report the trades, calling the oversight a “clerical issue.” In order to rectify the problem, Axne said she brought in an “outside counsel to audit her reports.” But Axne did not reveal whom she hired and the subsequent cost to the taxpayer. Now, Axne’s financial filings suggest the Democrat used at least $18,229 in taxpayer funds to enlist Elias.

Axne is far from the only Iowa Democrat to turn to Elias when facing a controversial issue. After failed congressional candidate Rita Hart lost by six votes to Republican congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks in 2020, the Democrat hired Elias to attempt to overturn the election. Instead of taking the issue to the Iowa court system, Elias attempted to bring the decision to a vote in the House, where Democrats hold a majority. The strategy eventually failed—but only after House Democrats billed taxpayers more than $800,000 in legal fees.

6- The last two years have eroded trust in every aspect of the government and in our leadership.


Americans feel less free, don’t trust leaders post-COVID pandemic: poll

QUOTE: For many Americans, March 11, 2020 is the day the coronavirus started to feel like a real pandemic, as our elected officials rushed to respond to the crisis. Two years later, Americans’ view of their civil liberties — and their confidence in public officials — has taken a beating. 


A new poll conducted by YouGov and Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and released exclusively to The Post reveals that Americans feel their core freedoms are less secure than before the pandemic. This is true often by substantial margins: 42% feel less secure about voicing their opinions, 43% feel less secure about their freedom to protest, 36% feel less secure about their freedom to exercise religious beliefs.

This is bad news for our foundational rights. Even if our rights remain on solid legal ground, the perception they are not can cause us to think twice about speaking up.
It’s also bad news for our public officials.

While a healthy skepticism of government power is wise in a democracy, in a true crisis public officials must make snap decisions to protect the public. Whether people follow those decisions depends, in part, on their confidence in the leaders making them. Unfortunately, when asked about every single institution or office in the YouGov/AFP poll, the majority of respondents said their trust in those institutions had dropped.

Nearly three in five Americans said the government did a “somewhat” or “very poor” job clearly communicating to the public about data or reasoning regarding any pandemic restriction or requirement. And 54% thought government officials did a “somewhat” or “very poor” job applying any restrictions or requirements to all people (including themselves) equally.

7- It is hard to imagine why most Americans do not trust any of our institutions.

The Federalist

CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons

QUOTE: The article says when the Centers for Disease Control “published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65…it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots.”

“The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public,” according to the Times, “because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.”

After “several inquiries from The New York Times,” CDC unexpectedly decided to publish its data on the risks of hospitalization and death from both unvaccinated and vaccinated Americans, with or without booster dosing. But it did so in a manner that obscures younger individuals’ overall Covid risks, which is very low, instead attempting to force a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals’ hospitalization. The exact data about Covid risks by specific age has not been released in any graphical or easily viewable form anywhere.

This rationale for deliberately hiding government-collected effectiveness data was even confirmed by the CDC’s spokeswoman, Kristen Nordlund. This taxpayer-funded agency didn’t want to give taxpayers the full picture of vaccine effectiveness—for their own good.

It also feels confident enough to publicly admit this, but only after many Americans were fired from their jobs and suffered from serious adverse events and deaths after they were forced to take shots they didn’t want based precisely on false narratives fueled by CDC duplicity.

That rationale from the CDC hardly justifies the fact that the selective omission of public health information is more than clinical malpractice; it is scientific fraud.  

Read. Know. Share. Pray. Fight.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic