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APRIL 19, 2022


DTR Fighting for the Rights of our Military 

Last Thursday, Defending the Republic was in federal court in Jacksonville, Florida, fighting for the religious liberties of military service members to refuse the experimental COVID-19 injections. We were there asking the court to prevent the Biden Department of Defense and the respective branches of the armed services from punishing or removing these service members who are forced to choose between the jab and their jobs.

As DTR explained to the judge, a number of other district courts all across the nation have granted injunctions staying the Biden Department of Defense from punishing those who have refused these experimental injections on religious grounds. We asked for the same type of relief, as our clients’ right of refusal is guaranteed by the First Amendment and by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In support, we informed the judge that the U.S. Government has acknowledged that in the Navy, there have been approximately 25,000 religious accommodation requests to COVID-19 vaccination, over 11,000 denied, and nearly zero approved.

The judge was receptive to our arguments and assured us that our clients would receive a fair hearing. She has not yet ruled on our motion, and instead asked for additional briefing on certain legal issues before she makes her decision. She did, however, make an important observation for our clients who are in the Navy: that because a class-wide Navy injunction was issued in another case, she did not have to make a ruling on their particular claims because they were already protected.

As this case and DTR’s other military cases move forward, we will continue to fight to expose the Biden Department of Defense’s sham process of denying religious accommodation requests, which one court observed was little more than “theater.” The issue in these cases isn’t just about the experimental injections that, according to VAERS data, have killed 2.5x more military members than the total number of active-duty COVID-19 deaths the last two years.

It’s also about whether the Biden Administration will be successful in purging religious service members from the military. We’re dedicated to defeating that effort.

Here is a link to the entire transcript.

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Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

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NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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