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Dear Patriots,

The spirit, bravery, generosity and can-do attitude of Americans is on full display this week.

You may not have seen these stories because it goes against that Big Media and Big Government narrative that only the government can save us.

When many Americans and Christians were trapped behind enemy lines, Americans stood up and got busy saving them.

These are real stories of heroes.

1- (Red State)

Private American Citizens Are Risking Their Lives in Afghanistan Doing What our Troops Should Be Doing

QUOTE: While it is great to see this kind of esprit de corps between former Special Operations Forces operators and between them and their Afghan counterparts, it is a crying shame that these guys had to go on their own dime to Kabul and then operate without any of the even flimsy protections provided by the Law of Land Warfare when you are in contact with the Taliban…

Arguably, they were operating in violation of the UN Mercenary Convention… because the US Armed Forces at Hamid Karzai International Airport were forbidden to do this kind of operation.

2- Glenn Beck raised $30 million from his audience and rescued 5,000 people trapped in Afghanistan.


The Nazarene Fund and their partners Mighty Oaks FDN will have rescued a total of 5,000 refugees from Afghanistan in just the last few days thanks to your generous donations. Here’s how the $30M raised is being spent.

3- (Yahoo) 

US special operations forces race to save former Afghan comrades in jeopardy

Quote: Current and former U.S. military special operations and intelligence community operatives are using their own networks of contacts to get elite Afghan soldiers, intelligence assets and interpreters to safety as they’ve become increasingly disillusioned and fed up with the U.S. government-led evacuation effort in Kabul, ABC News has learned.

One informal group, dubbed “Task Force Pineapple,” began as a frantic effort last weekend to get one former Afghan commando into Hamid Karzai International Airport as he was being hunted by Taliban who were texting him death threats.

4- Our favorite journalist reporting on all things Covid-CCP has been banned on Twitter. You can still find his work on Substack.


Twitter Permanently Bans Former NYT Journalist Alex Berenson

5- Check out Eric Clapton’s new song protesting all the Covid-CCP mandates.


Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken