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Lying and More Lying

Dear Patriots, It is important to know how we were lied to in order to resist and overcome the results they want. We can fight back and win if we know the truth. 1- This describes the media in Europe but the same sort of campaign happened in American media. The...

Call Your Senators

Dear Patriots, We strongly oppose the current Biden nominee to the Supreme Court.  She does not respect the Rule of Law. Judge Ketanji Jackson Brown has a long record of giving individuals, who watch and produce sexually explicit videos using children, big breaks when...

Good News Friday: 03/25/22

Dear Patriots, Progress comes in fits and bits. Sometimes it is hard to see it. 1- John Nolte writing at Breitbart has a interesting analysis of recent polling. We do not send this to you as an endorsement of any candidate. We send it to remind you that your opinions...