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Dear Patriots,

If you do not yet have a GETTR account, now is the time to sign up and follow Sidney Powell on GETTR. 

Sidney is accumulating and posting links to the facts and hard evidence that proves massive election fraud, not just in 2020 but over many years.

1- We are big fans of Molly McCann who was interviewed Monday on The War Room. Molly makes a great point that energy dependence, green energy and globalism have brought the world to a dangerous point.
You can listen to Molly’s podcasts here: America’s Moment

2- Little by little, we change election laws.
The Epoch Times

Arizona House, Senate Approve Measure Boosting Voter ID Requirements on November Ballots

QUOTE: The Republican-controlled Arizona House and GOP-led state Senate voted Monday to approve a measure on the November election ballot that would drastically increase the identification requirements needed for Arizonans who want to vote both in-person and by mail.

Gina Swoboda, third vice chairman of the Republican Party of Arizona, announced the measure had been approved in a video posted to Twitter on Monday.

“We are so proud to announce that the voter ID act has passed out of the house, it will be on the ballot in November,” Swoboda said. “Thank you to everyone for making this happen. This is going to be a great election cycle, the people will be heard.”

The SCR1012 bill (pdf) would require early voters to provide their date of birth and number along with their signature on their return ballots.

Currently, voters in Arizona just sign their names, which county officials then compare to signatures they have on file with verified voter registration documents.

The measure was approved after Republicans raised concerns that the state’s voter ID laws allow for fraud or illegal votes to take place, particularly in light of allegations of voter fraud in Arizona during the 2020 presidential election.

3-  Elections have consequences.
The Epoch Times 

Virginia Government Releases Report on Efforts to Combat Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

QUOTE: Virginia’s Education Department has released a 30-day report on its actions to rescind programs, policies, and materials involving “discriminatory and divisive concepts” such as critical race theory (CRT).

“The concepts have become widespread in the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and in Virginia school divisions and we will need to proactively review policies, practices, and pedagogies around the state to uphold the Civil Rights Act and comport with Executive Order One,” the report (pdf) reads, referring to Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order to address “inherently divisive concepts” in public education.

The report lists eight steps that the Youngkin administration has taken or is taking to identify and address “inherently divisive concepts” in public education. The majority of those actions concerned EdEquityVA, a program established in 2021 by then-Gov. Ralph Northam with the goal of establishing “concrete plans to dismantle any and all forms of systemic racism in Virginia’s public education system utilizing the principles of anti-racism.”

4- We have long known that almost everything related to Covid-CCP coming out of any government entity has been a lie or intentionally hidden from us.
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Health Agencies Admit to Hiding COVID Data
QUOTE: If you’ve felt like crucial data about COVID-19 have been missing since the start of the pandemic, it’s not in your head. An exposé by The New York Times has revealed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has actually been collecting data all along — it just hasn’t published most of it.

Data such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status would have certainly been of interest to a large portion of the U.S. population. The CDC has been collecting such data for more than a year but hasn’t made the bulk of it public, the Times reported. What else has the CDC been keeping from the public?

    • Data such as U.S. hospitalizations for COVID-19 according to age, race and injection status have been collected by the CDC for more than a year but most of it hasn’t been made public
• The CDC published data on boosters’ effectiveness in adults under 65, but didn’t include data for 18- to 49-year-olds, “the group least likely to benefit from extra shots”
• The CDC didn’t publish the data over concerns that it would be “misinterpreted,” but the only way the data could be interpreted as ineffective is if they show the shots don’t work
• Dr. Robert Malone believes that the CDC withholding evidence about COVID-19 shot safety is scientific fraud
• Malone is calling on Americans to demand the full COVID-19 data from the CDC and FDA, and for those in government who have lied to the American people to be held legally accountable.

5- More lies and hiding of the facts by our government.

Suffer the children

QUOTE: VAERS – the federal side effects reporting system – has received more than 500 reports of life-threatening events, permanent disability,or deaths following mRNA shots in kids and adolescents.

In the light of today’s report that the jabs actually increase the risk of Covid infection in kids under 12 – and do little or nothing to reduce hospitalizations – I figured you might want to see what those reports actually look like.

Lots of myopericarditis and other cardiovascular events.

Don’t worry, though, the vaccine fanatics will be glad to tell you correlation is not causation and VAERS is not reliable (they are correct, the data suggest that 70 to 95 percent of events are NOT reported, depending on seriousness).

6- We must not let the people who failed to give us real information and protect our health get away with their massive dereliction of duty. They must be held accountable.  Look for more and more lawsuits against these companies and also individuals.

Judge Unseals 400 Pages of Evidence Clears Way for Phizer Whistleblower Lawsuit

QUOTE: The decision by a district court judge to unseal a complaint filed more than a year ago against multiple parties involved in Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials allowed the lawsuit to go forward — and revealed 400 pages of exhibits used to substantiate the lawsuit’s claims.

A whistleblower lawsuit alleging fraud during Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials is moving forward, after a district court judge unsealed the complaint, including 400 pages of exhibits.

Brook Jackson in January 2021 sued Pfizer and two companies the drugmaker contracted with to work on the trials: Ventavia Research Group and ICON PLC.

Jackson worked for Ventavia for a brief period in 2020 before being fired after she filed a complaint with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over alleged improprieties she observed during the vaccine trials. She also gave The BMJ a cache of internal company documents, photos and recordings highlighting alleged wrongdoing by Ventavia.

Read. Know. Share. Pray and

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic