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Dear Patriots,

Every day, Sidney and Team Kraken are fighting election fraud on many fronts. One part of this battle is to support and defend fellow patriots who were punished for doing the right thing by corrupt elected officials and bureaucrats.
That is the case here. It was apparent to Charles Ritchard, the Republican Chairman of the Oceana County, Michigan Board of Canvassers, that mass mailings of mail-in ballots and other issues were going to make a secure and fair election in Michigan impossible.
After he expressed these concerns, he was illegally suspended from his position.
Actions like this throw cold water on anyone wanting to root out problems and corruption in government. Actions like this strip citizens of their right to speak.
Sidney is committed to helping people who find themselves in these tough situations.
And by the way, Mr. Ritchard’s warning was right. The election in Michigan was not secure. But, will his treatment stop the next person from raising concerns out of fear of retribution?
Defending The Republic is standing with Charles Ritchard and defending him in this case.
We will keep you posted on developments because the Fake News will never cover this story.

Statement of Sidney Powell

May 13, 2021

In February 2021, Charles Ritchard, the Republican Chairman of the Oceana County, Michigan Board of Canvassers, sent a letter to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson informing her of problems with Michigan’s election security. He raised the alarm that the “mass mailings of absentee ballot request finished off any chance of election security.” He implored her to take action “in a very rapid and bipartisan way before the next election.”

The Oceana County Clerk, without authority, suspended Ritchard for writing this letter. This was pure retaliation against Ritchard, a duly-appointed official, for exercising his First Amendment rights on a matter of public concern.

On May 12, 2021, our local counsel in Michigan filed suit against the Oceana County Clerk and the Oceana County Board of Commissioners for violating Ritchard’s First Amendment rights and for violating his rights to procedural and substantive due process.

We will aggressively defend the rights of those who warn about election integrity and hold accountable the vindictive public officials who would punish Americans for daring to speak the truth.


Thank you again for your unwavering support. Your support is vital to all of our efforts.  And so is being armed with the truth. Please spread the information we share with all those you think may benefit.
Sidney Powell and Team Kraken