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Defending The Republic Files Suit

on Behalf of Military Service Members

Defending the Republic has filed suit on behalf of a group of military service members in the Middle District of Florida – Tampa Division, asking a federal court to uphold their constitutional and statutory rights to refuse the experimental COVID-19 injections mandated by the Department of Defense.
These service members, who have risked their lives for their country, have sincerely held religious beliefs which require abstention from the COVID-19 injections. This right of refusal is supported by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. They have been denied this right, and forced to choose between their jobs and the jab.
Our military deserves better and we are fighting on their behalf. After sacrificing so much, these patriots deserve to have their voices heard and their rights upheld.

      More Details on the above case… LINK

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