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Election Integrity

Alabama AL H.B. 116 http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/HB116-enr.pdf  Allows the secretary of state to conduct a post-election audit of the November 8, 2022 election in three counties. It provides that the expenses of these audits would be reimbursed from the Help America Vote Act federal funds.
Alabama AL H.B. 167 http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/HB167-enr.pdf Prohibits a voter from Alabama from also voting in another state. It makes voting more than once at any election held in other states a Class A misdemeanor or a Class C felony.
Alabama AL H.B. 285 https://legiscan.com/AL/text/HB285/id/2397866 Elections, electronic voting machines, curb side voting, operation of voting machines prohibited except on the inside of buildings designated as voting places, taking of ballots into or out of voting places prohibited
Alabama AL H.B. 312 http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/HB312-enr.pdf Requires precinct election officials to be registered voters in the county in which they serve but aren’t required to be registered at that precinct. Priority may be given to the poll workers and alternate poll workers who are registered voters at that precinct.
Alabama AL H.B. 314 http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/HB314-enr.pdf Revises the process to update the statewide voter registration database. The board of registrars, or the Secretary of State, will use change-of-address information supplied by the United States Postal Service through the National Change of Address database and by at least one other voter registration database, including, but not limited to, the Electronic Registration Information Center or NVRA designated agency, to identify registered voters whose addresses may have changed.
Alabama AL H.B. 538 https://legiscan.com/AL/text/HB538/id/2352052 Absentee ballots, timeframe for applying to vote absentee, revised, to revise certain procedures for processing absentee ballots
Alabama AL S.B. 119 http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/SB119-enr.pdf Revises the time frames for municipal run-off elections.
Alabama AL S.B. 31 http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/SB31-enr.pdf Revises the date for runoff elections to be four weeks after the regular election for all runoff municipal elections and runoff special primary elections.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2054 https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/74386 Requires the secretary of state to compare death records with the statewide voter registration database.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2181 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0318.pdf Requires a write-in candidate running for an elective office in any election be a resident of that county or district for one hundred and twenty days before the date of the election, except if running for a city or town office.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2307 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0305.pdf Requires a county board of supervisors to provide a written notice advising the voter if the voting equipment used for an election provides for the rejection of overvoted ballots or ballots that contain other irregularities. The notice informs the voter, who may overvote or override any other ballot irregularity, that the voter’s vote will not be counted.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2359 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/bills/HB2359S.htm Requires any method of physical or electronic access to a voting machine or electronic pollbook to be secured to prevent unauthorized access and to verify security procedures before a voting machine or electronic pollbook is placed into service.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2362 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0420.pdf Requires a ballot privacy folder be given to a qualified elector in addition to their ballot.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2363 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0438.pdf Allows a city or town to train its own employees to work on elections if the program is approved by the secretary of state.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2794 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0380.pdf Prohibits an officer or agent of the state from modifying or agreeing to modify any deadline, submittal date, filing date or other election-related date provided in statute, except when prescribed by a court.
Arizona AZ H.B. 2905 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0426.pdf Prohibits a county recorder or other election officer from delivering or mailing an early ballot to a person who has not requested an early ballot for that election.
Arizona AZ H.B. 3569 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0199.htm Prohibits the state or other public body that administers elections, from receiving or expending private monies for the purpose of preparing, administering or conducting an election.
Arizona AZ S.B 1003 https://legiscan.com/AZ/bill/SB1003/2021 Early voting; signature required
Arizona AZ S.B. 1002 https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/74263 Specifies that absentee ballot envelopes must not reveal the voter’s political party affiliation.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1003 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0343.pdf Requires early voter instructions to state that the ballot will not be counted without the voter’s signature on the return envelope. If a signature is missing from an early ballot return envelope, it requires the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections to make reasonable efforts to contact the voter and allow that voter to add their signature no later than 7:00 p.m. on election day.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1485 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0359.pdf Requires a county recorder or other officer in charge of elections to remove a voter from the active early voting list if the voter fails to vote by early ballot in all regular primary or regular general elections for which there was a federal race on the ballot. And all city or town candidate primary or first elections or city or town candidate second, general or runoff elections for two consecutive election cycles. It requires counties to notify a voter prior to removing that voter from the list.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1492 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0230.htm Amends the statutory requirements for election ballots, dates, deadlines, election boards, nomination petitions, polling locations and recognition of new political parties on city, town or county ballots.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1530 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0332.pdf Requires early ballots to be sent in an envelope with directions to mark the unopened envelope “return to sender” and deposit the envelope in the mail if the addressee does not reside at the address.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1819 https://legiscan.com/AZ/bill/SB1819/2021 Budget procedures; budget reconciliation
Arizona AZ S.B. 1835 https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0388.pdf Requires a party representative or challenger to be a resident and registered to vote in the state. Also, the bill provides that a person who knowingly impersonates any election board member, election official, challenger, party representative or other poll worker is guilty of a class 6 felony.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1008 https://legiscan.com/AZ/text/SB1008/id/2449777  A recount of the vote is required when the canvass of returns in a primary or general election shows that the margin between the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes for a particular office
Arizona AZ S.B. 1013 https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/76256 REPEALING LAWS 2021, CHAPTER 405, SECTION 35; RELATING TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1054 https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/76321 AMENDING SECTION 16-442, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES; RELATING TO CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1119 https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/76419 AMENDING SECTION 16-625, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES; RELATING TO CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS.
Arizona AZ S.B. 1133 https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/76452 AMENDING SECTIONS 16-409 AND 16-542, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES; RELATING TO CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1112 https://legiscan.com/AR/bill/HB1112/2021 To Amend The Law Concerning Voter Identification; To Amend The Law Concerning Verification Of Provisional Ballots; And To Amend Amendment 51 Of The Arkansas Constitution
Arkansas AR H.B. 1202 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=128.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R  Requires each sample ballot must be submitted at least twenty days before each presidential preferential primary and general election and ten days before each general primary, general runoff, school, or special election. All sample ballots will be published on the secretary of state’s website
Arkansas AR H.B. 1244 https://legiscan.com/AR/bill/HB1244/2021 To Authorize The Issuance Of A Driver’s License Or An Identification Card Without A Photograph In Certain Circumstances.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1595 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=735.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Requires all voting machines operate without a connection to the internet or to an external network.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1615 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=1063.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R States a county board of election commissioners will not change a polling site for any precinct less than thirty days before an election other than a preferential primary or general election, except in the event of an emergency. If the county board reduces the total number of polling sites in the county in a preferential primary election or a general election, a voter may appeal that decision.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1715 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=736.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Implements stricter limits on absentee ballot collection and prohibits election officials from distributing unsolicited absentee ballot applications, among other changes.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1715 https://legiscan.com/AR/bill/HB1715/2021 To Amend Arkansas Law Concerning Absentee Ballots; To Amend Election Law; To Amend The Law Concerning Voting By Absentee Ballot; And To Amend The Law Concerning Spoiled Ballots.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1803 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=756.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Establishes the Arkansas Balloting Integrity Act of 2021. It amends the complaint process for election law violations and the authority and duties of the state board of election commissioners.
Arkansas AR H.B. 1866 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=961.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Forbids any county board of election commissioners from taking or accepting any funding, grants, or gifts from any source other than from a city or incorporated town, county, the state of Arkansas or the US government.
Arkansas AR H.B.. 1568 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=421.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Requires the House and Senate Committees on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs to meet and conduct a legislative study on the use of certain election technology to increase transparency and security.
Arkansas AR S.B. 486 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=468.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Makes technical and legislative intent changes to the election code
Arkansas AR S.B. 487 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=729.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Requires the county board of election commissioners to certify to the secretary of state and the county quorum court that the county has a secure electronic connection to prevent unauthorized access to electronic pollbook, voter registration database, voting equipment and materials.
Arkansas AR S.B. 488 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=727.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Creates an exemption to the examination and copying of public records and amends the law concerning the Freedom of Information Act of 1967 and voted ballots.
Arkansas AR S.B. 498 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=952.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Requires any written complaint concerning any election law violation or irregularity be sent by the county board of election commissioners to the State Board of Election Commissioners for evaluation.
Arkansas AR S.B. 549 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=1022.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Requires all county board of election commissioners to prepare a report of all provisional and rejected ballots cast in the county for each election. Within sixty days of each election, the State Board will compile the information reported by the county boards and make the reports publicly available.
Arkansas AR S.B. 557 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=950.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Amends the duties of a county board of election commissioners by allowing the delegation of supervision of election officials by an affirmative vote of a quorum of all county board members. It clarifies the duties of county employees designed as election officials.
Arkansas AR S.B. 643 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=973.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Amends the date when applications absentee ballot applications must be submitted by the registered voter, designated bearer, or administrator of the absentee voter. In person, the application must be submitted by the close of business on the Friday before election day at the county clerk’s office.
Arkansas AR S.B. 643 https://legiscan.com/AR/bill/SB643/2021 To Amend Arkansas Law Concerning Absentee Ballots; And To Amend Arkansas Law Concerning Elections.
Arkansas AR S.B. 644 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2021R%2FPublic%2F&file=974.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2021%2F2021R Disallows a person convicted of a misdemeanor offense or felony from serving as an election official. The bill establishes an election law violation hotline, and all allegations of violations will be referred to the Attorney General’s office.
Florida FL S.B. 90 https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/90 Elections; Prohibiting certain persons from settling certain actions, consenting to conditions, or agreeing to certain orders in certain circumstances; revising requirements governing the acceptance of voter registration applications; revising the oath for candidates seeking to qualify for nomination as a candidate of a political party; limiting the duration of requests for vote-by-mail ballots to all elections through the end of the calendar year of the next regularly scheduled general election; prohibiting certain solicitation activities within a specified area surrounding a drop box, etc.
Georgia GA S.B. 202 https://legiscan.com/GA/bill/SB202/2021 A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 21 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to elections and primaries generally, so as to provide that persons or entities that mail absentee ballot applications shall mail such applications only to eligible registered electors who have not already requested, been issued, or voted an absentee ballot; to require certain comparisons to remove improper names from mail distribution lists; to provide for sanctions for violations; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Idaho ID H.B. 290 https://legiscan.com/ID/bill/H0290/2021 ELECTIONS — Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding verification of signatures of electors and petition signers.
Idaho ID S.B. 1168 https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2021/legislation/S1168.pdf Requires that elections must be funded by only appropriations from federal, state, or local government entities.
Indianna IN S.B. 398 https://openstates.org/in/bills/2021/SB398/ Provides that a political subdivision that conducts or administers an election may not receive or expend funds received from a person (other than from the state or from the federal government) for preparing, administering, or conducting elections, including registering voters. Requires the election division (instead of the Indiana election commission) to prescribe a uniform generic seal for use on certain ballots when the circuit court clerk is a candidate on the ballot. Requires certification by the county chairman of a candidate in a political party primary or town convention if the candidate cast a nonpartisan ballot at the most recent primary election in which the candidate voted. Requires that the notice of an election must include the dates, times, and locations of voting at the circuit court clerk’s office and at satellite offices. Provides that notices of elections must be published not later than 21 days before election day.
Iowa IA S.F. 413 https://legiscan.com/IA/bill/SF413/2021 A bill for an act relating to the conduct of elections, including absentee ballots and voter list maintenance activities, making penalties applicable, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
Iowa IA S.F. 568 https://legiscan.com/IA/bill/SF568/2021 A bill for an act relating to the conduct of elections, including nominations, procedures for proposed amendments to the Iowa Constitution, and absentee voting, and including effective date provisions.
Kansas KS H.B. 2183 https://legiscan.com/KS/text/HB2183/id/2264157 Creating the transparency in revenues underwriting elections act; prohibiting the receipt and expenditure of private moneys by election officials; directing the secretary of state to publish certain registered voter totals; relating to advance voting ballots by requiring signed statements for delivery of such ballots on behalf of a voter; limiting the number of such ballots that can be delivered; prohibiting the altering or backdating of the mailing date on such ballots; requiring a matching signature on such ballots; removing the secretary of state’s authority to provide additional time for receipt of such ballots; prohibiting candidates for office from engaging in certain conduct related to advance voting ballots; creating the crime of false representation of an election official; and, expanding the crime of electioneering.
Kansas KS H.B. 2332 https://legiscan.com/KS/text/HB2332/id/2373999 Prohibiting the modification of election laws other than by legislative process, requiring county election officials to maintain residential and mailing addresses for registered voters, requiring identification of the sender on third party solicitations to registered voters to file an application for an advance voting ballot and prohibiting such solicitations by nonresidents of this state, expanding the crime of election tampering and providing for the appointment of elected officials when vacancy is due to military service.
Kentucky KY H.B. 574 https://legiscan.com/KY/bill/HB574/2021 Amend various sections of KRS Chapters 48, 65, 83A, 116, 117, 118, 118A, 119, 120, 242, and 424 relating to paper ballots, voting equipment, voting systems, election education, voter registration, mail-in and in-person absentee voting and procedures, county board of election appointments, precinct election officer qualifications, consolidated precincts, mail-in absentee portal for mail-in ballot application requests, drop-box or receptacle for mail-in absentee ballots, voter assistance requirements prescribed, extension of time for reviewing and processing mail-in absentee ballots and procedures related, establishing recanvass thresholds, penalties prescribed for furnishing mail-in absentee ballots when not permissible, prohibiting tax dollars from being used to influence public opinion for ballot questions, and elections. repeal KRS 117.381 and 117.387, relating to electronic voting systems.
Louisiana LA H.B. 167 https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB167/2021 Provides for removal of deceased persons from voter registration rolls
Louisiana LA H.B. 285 https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1230379 Changes the amount of time a voter may remain in the voting machine from no more than three minutes to no more than six minutes. Also, it allows election officials to allocate additional time in an equitable manner if the ballot is lengthy or complex.
Louisiana LA H.B. 286 https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1235693 Revised the period for conducting early voting from 18 days to seven days prior to a presidential election.
Louisiana LA S.B. 221 https://legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1236590 Requires the secretary of state to promulgate rules as to reasonable certification standards pertaining to voting systems. It also creates the Voting System Commission and the Voting System Proposal Evaluation Committee.
Montana MT H.B. 176 https://legiscan.com/MT/bill/HB176/2021 Close late voter registration on Friday before the election
Montana MT H.B. 429 https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/billpdf/HB0429.pdf Revises the Governor’s power to suspend temporary election laws during emergencies without the consent of the legislature through a regular or special legislative session. If the legislature is out of session, the secretary of state will poll lawmakers within three days of the governor’s request.
Montana MT H.B. 506 https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/billpdf/HB0506.pdf Requires that an individual meet residence and age requirements before a ballot may be issued to the individual and the individual may cast a ballot.
Montana MT H.B. 530 https://legiscan.com/MT/bill/HB530/2021 Require secretary of state to adopt rules governing election security
Montana MT S.B. 169 https://legiscan.com/MT/bill/SB169/2021 Revises the identification requirements for voter registration, voting and provisional voting. To vote, a voter must present either a government issued photo ID or a Montana concealed carry permit. If not, the voter must present two forms of identification, at least one including a photo ID with the voter’s name.
Montana MT S.B. 170 http://laws.leg.mt.gov/legprd/LAW0210W$BSIV.ActionQuery?P_BILL_NO1=170&P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=SB&Z_ACTION=Find&P_SESS=20211 Requires voter list maintenance processes to be conducted annually, rather than every other year.
Montana MT S.B. 196 https://legiscan.com/MT/bill/SB196/2021 Generally revise polling place hours laws
Montana MT S.B. 351 https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/sesslaws/ch0400.pdf Allows county election administrators to test vote tabulation machines before automatic tabulation begins.
Montana MT S.B. 93 https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/sesslaws/ch0315.pdf Requires at least one poll watcher from each political party be permitted at each drop box for a mail ballot election. Poll watchers must be allowed at each drop box during the days and times that the drop box is open.
Nevada NV S.B. 84 https://legiscan.com/NV/bill/SB84/2021 AN ACT relating to election precincts; changing the maximum number of active registered voters that may be included within an election precinct; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
New Hampshire NH H.B. 285 https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB285/id/2232857 Requires the secretary of state to provide information of partial matches on death records for further review and confirmation by the town or city for verification of voter checklists.
New Hampshire NH H.B. 523 https://legiscan.com/NH/bill/HB523/2021 Requiring a person who registers to vote without any identification to have his or her photo taken before his or her registration to vote is complete.
New Hampshire NH S.B. 31 https://legiscan.com/NH/bill/SB31/2021 Relative to voter checklists and modifying the absentee ballot affidavit.
New Hampshire NH S.B. 43 https://legiscan.com/NH/bill/SB43/2021 Authorizes an audit of ballot counting machines and their memory cards and the hand tabulations of ballots regarding the general election on November 3, 2020 of the Rockingham County district 7 state representative race.
New York NY S.B. 264 https://legiscan.com/NY/bill/S00264/2021 Relates to absentee voting application deadlines; all applications requesting an absentee ballot by mail must be received by the board of elections no later than the fifteenth day before the election for a ballot is first requested; applications delivered in person shall be received no later than the day before such election.
North Dakota ND H.B. 1256 https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/documents/21-0377-04000.pdf Prohibits any state and political subdivisions from soliciting, accepting, or using any grants or donations from private persons for elections operations or administration.
Oklahoma OK H.B. 1752 http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2021-22%20ENR/hB/HB1752%20ENR.PDF Sets a 30-day time limit for a county election board to remove deceased people from the central registry and voter registration list after receiving notice of a county resident death from the Secretary of the State Election Board.
Oklahoma OK H.B. 2663 https://legiscan.com/OK/bill/HB2663/2021 Elections; modifying days in which registered voters may apply for in-person absentee ballot; effective date.
Pennsylvania https://www.pacourts.us/assets/opinions/Commonwealth/out/244MD21_1-28-22.pdf?cb=1 Court struck down “No Excuse” Mail-In Voting Law
South Dakota SD H.B. 1125 https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2021-election-enactments.aspx The members of the precinct election board or the counting board shall immediately proceed to count publicly the votes received at the polls and continue without leaving the site until the count is completed.
Tennessee TN S.B. 1315 https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/SB1315.pdf Creates the Tennessee Election Integrity Act. It prohibits any state election commission, state election officials and employees from accepting any funding or contributions, including in-kind contributions, for conducting an election unless the funding or contribution originates from the federal or state government.
Tennessee TN S.B. 1534 https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/SB1534.pdf Prohibits any person from contributing, including in-kind contributions, donating, paying, or otherwise transfer money or equipment to the state election commission or the coordinator of elections for purposes of conducting state or local elections.
Texas TX H.B. 1264 https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB01264F.pdf#navpanes=0 Requires the local registrar of deaths to file each abstract with the voter registrar of the decedent ’s county of residence and the secretary of state as soon as possible, but not later than the seventh day after the date the abstract is prepared.
Texas TX H.B. 1382 https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB01382F.pdf#navpanes=0 Requires the secretary of state to develop or provide an online tool to each early voting clerk that enables a person who submits an application for a ballot to be voted by mail to track the location and status of the person’s application and ballot on the secretary’s website and county’s website.
Texas TX H.B. 1397 https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB01397F.pdf#navpanes=0 Requires voting system vendors to disclose ownership interests of each person or entity that had a 5%or greater ownership interest in the vendor, the vendor’s parent company and each subsidiary or affiliate of the vendor.
Texas TX H.B. 3920 https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/HB3920/2021 Relating to an application to vote early by mail on the grounds of disability or confinement for childbirth.
Texas TX H.B. 574 https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB00574F.pdf#navpanes=0 Creates felony offenses for any person who knowingly or intentionally making any effort to count votes the person knows are invalid or alter a report to include votes the person knows are invalid. Also creates felony offenses for any  person who refuses to count votes the person knows are valid or alters a report to exclude votes the person knows are valid.
Texas TX S.B. 1 https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/SB1/2021/X1 Relating to election integrity and security, including by preventing fraud in the conduct of elections in this state; increasing criminal penalties; creating criminal offenses; providing civil penalties.
Texas TX S.B. 1111 https://legiscan.com/TX/bill/SB1111/2021 Relating to the residence address of a voter for purposes of a response to a confirmation notice sent by the voter registrar.
Texas TX S.B. 1387 https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/SB01387F.pdf#navpanes=0 Requires that, beginning September 1, 2021, voting system equipment must be manufactured, stored and held in the United States and sold by a company whose headquarters, and the headquarters of their parent company, are in the United States.
Utah UT H.B. 12 https://legiscan.com/UT/bill/HB0012/2021 Deceased Voter Amendments
Wisconsin WI A.B.743 https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2021/proposals/ajr120 Relating to: WI election reform and reclaiming the electoral ballots for President and Vice President that were certified under fraudulent intent and purpose.
Wyoming WY H.B. 75 https://legiscan.com/WY/bill/HB0075/2021 AN ACT relating to elections; modifying the definition of acceptable identification; requiring that acceptable identification be presented before voting in person; providing that provisional ballots may be cast as specified; providing that in person voters may be challenged for failure to present acceptable identification; modifying requirements of the department of transportation related to identification cards as specified; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.