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Dear Patriots,

We could go on and on, and on, about all of things that are going sideways in the world. And we do inform you of those matters each week.

But, on Friday, we are determined to find the GOOD NEWS and celebrate with you our collective small and big victories.


1- If you are looking, you will find many short stories like this all over the country where police, fireman, nurses, pilots, teachers, and athletes are pushing back on the mandates to secure their freedom. They are taking great personal risk to do so. Keep all of these brave people in your prayers.

(Washington Examiner) 

Chicago police union chief tells officers to ignore vaccine mandate: ‘What will the city do’ if 50% of police fired?

QUOTE: The Chicago police union chief called on officers to ignore the city’s vaccine mandate set to take effect on Friday.

In a video posted to YouTube, Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara told officers, “Do not fill out the portal information.””I’ve made my status very clear as far as the vaccine, but I do not believe the city has the authority to mandate that to anybody — let alone that information about your medical history,” Catanzara said.

The city’s vaccine mandate will place officers who do not submit proof of vaccination by the deadline on a “no pay” status. The police union is preparing a lawsuit against the city of Chicago.

2- The lawsuits against the vax mandates are piling up, even in Maine!


2,000 Christian Health Care Workers Seek Emergency Order to Stop COVID Vaccine Mandate

QUOTE: Today, Liberty Counsel filed an emergency injunction pending appeal to the First Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of more than 2,000 health care workers against Governor Janet Mills, health officials of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and five of Maine’s largest hospital systems.

Gov. Mills has threatened to revoke the licenses of all health care employers who fail to mandate that all employees receive the COVID-19 injection, despite the unconstitutional fact that she is discriminating against religious employees who decline vaccination while favoring those who decline for secular, medical reasons.

3- Good news that, at least in some degree, the stats we are being fed are being challenged.


COVID stats manipulated, state lawmakers charge

QUOTE: Two Oregon state senators, Dennis Linthicum and Kim Thatcher, have written a letter to Scott Asphaug, the U.S. attorney in Oregon, petitioning for a grand jury review.

Among other concerns they raise is the possibility that the deaths and injuries from the experimental COVID vaccines in use in the United States may be underreported by vast numbers.

Further, they charge that the CDC has adopted a standard exclusively for data collection about COVID-19 to inflate cases and deaths during the beginning of the pandemic in violation of federal law and distorting the results.

Are COVID stats being manipulated by the government?

The two senators explain they were advised by “a large team of world-renowned doctors, epidemiologist, virologists, and attorneys,” and want Asphaug to set up a grand jury to investigate the measurements of the pandemic

4- We have recommended many podcasts to you over the past months. Here is one more.

Red Pilled America is an entertaining podcast that is dedicated to story telling.

And boy, do they have a story to tell in this one!

The good news is, Covid-CCP is an “immensely treatable disease”, if anyone is allowed to treat it.

Red Pilled America

Listen on Apple Podcasts: 


QUOTE: What has Covid taught us about communism? To find the answer, we hear from Dr. Pierre Kory, President of FLCCC Alliance, & Tyler Bowyer, COO of student organizing powerhouse Turning Point USA…two men with Covid stories that will blow your mind.

5- The back-up for the left when a vote or a law does not go their way is to sue, take it to the courts. Rinse, lather, repeat.

So far, they have not gotten their way in Texas on the abortion law.

(Just The News) 

Appeals court allows Texas abortion law to remain in effect

QUOTE: With 2-1 vote, 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals rejects Biden administration appeal.

A federal appeals court on Thursday evening ruled that Texas’ restrictive abortion law can remain in effect even as it is litigated over its constitutionality.

The decision means Texas can enforce its new law barring most abortions as early as six weeks after conception.

The decision marks the third time since October that the appeals court has sided with Texas, and it moves the case one step closer to reaching the Supreme Court.

6- It’s not everyday that we get to see a so-called “expert” from CNN get grilled. That is what makes this so much fun to watch!

(Children’s Health Defense) 

Watch: Joe Rogan Gets Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Admit CNN Lied About Ivermectin

QUOTE: On the latest episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, host Joe Rogan and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, went head to head on a number of COVID-related topics, including the mainstream media’s narrative about the vaccines, vaccinating children, natural immunity and ivermectin.

Entire Joe Rogan podcast.

7- Everything is down in Florida!

New Covid-CCP cases in Florida are down 88%.

Hospitalizations in Florida are down 81% in the past month and a half.

Amazingly, this is with no new policy interventions, no vaccine passports and no mask mandates.

(Trending Politics)

Mainstream Media SILENT After Florida Reports 3rd Lowest Rate Of Covid Infection

QUOTE: The media took great joy in seeing the Florida Covid spike over the summer, but now they are being eerily quiet.

It felt like Florida was the top news story every evening on the left-wing networks as they slammed Ron DeSantis for doing a “poor job”. Funny enough, whenever covid spikes hit blue states, the media kept their mouths shut.

Now, however, they’re being silent about Florida because they have just reached the 3rd lowest rate of infection in the United States.

According to The New York Times Covid map, Florida’s case rate per 100,000 people over the last week was 13, which is third behind Connecticut and Hawaii.

8- We are heartened to see that some Republicans in Arizona are still fighting hard to get action on the audit.

(Conservative Brief) 

AZ State Rep. Rogers Demands ‘Less Letters, More Arrests’ from AG Brnovich

QUOTE: Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers is stepping up her attacks on state Attorney General Mark Brnovich, demanding that he worry less about sending out threatening letters and start taking legal action against people who were allegedly involved in nefarious activities during the 2020 election.

“Less letters, more subpoenas. Less requests, more warrants. Less talk, more arrests,” she tweeted Monday, before directing one at Brnovich specifically.

“Good night to everyone but @GeneralBrnovich who hasn’t done anything yet to fix our broken elections! Start arresting people!” she said in a separate Twitter post.

Brnovich is also under pressure by another, far more well-known Republican: Former President Donald Trump.

“The lackluster Attorney General of Arizona, Mark Brnovich, has to get on the ball and catch up with the great Republican Patriots in the Arizona State Senate,” Trump said in a statement in May. “As massive crime in the 2020 Election is becoming more and more evident and obvious, Brnovich is nowhere to be found.”

9- Our appreciation for the Governor of Florida grows daily. While we know that “Christmas does not come from a store, that Christmas, perhaps, is a little bit more”, as The Grinch finally realized, we are grateful for this effort.  It has enormous impact on the overall economy.

(PJ Media) 

Will Ron DeSantis Save Christmas?

QUOTE: Last week, the Florida Ports Council put out a press release telling shippers that the state’s ports are open, staffed, and ready for business. “Florida is where your success comes in, and our seaports are the solution to ensure the cargo shipping logjam doesn’t become the grinch that stole Christmas,” said Florida Ports Council President and CEO Michael Rubin. He added, “With inflation growing, shipping and manufacturing industries can save time and money by calling on Florida ports. Why pay to moor off the coast of California, when Florida shipping lanes are open and serving as the gateway for getting goods to America’s market?”

Thanks to Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida is well-positioned to serve as part of the supply chain solution. Earlier this year, Governor DeSantis infused Florida’s 15 seaports with $250 million in stimulus relief to help offset the impacts experienced as a result of the pandemic. This stimulus is in addition to other port infrastructure and connectivity investments made in Florida to increase our capacity and ability to move cargo and passengers around the world – Florida continues to invest in the infrastructure to become the pier to the world.

Miami, Florida, has opened its arms to tech companies fleeing California. Residents of the Golden State flocked to Florida in 2020 in numbers not seen previously. Maybe cargo ships will be next. Governor Ron DeSantis made some real infrastructure investments to upgrade Florida’s ports. Let’s see if they pay off and save Christmas for everyone.


It’s bleak out there, we are not gonna lie. But there are more than a few glimmers of hope.

All the more reason to stick together and spread the news through email and social media.

Read. Know. Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,
