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Dear Patriots,

It is spooky how much good news you can find when you look!
1- The fight for fraud free elections is being waged in many states.

(Just The News)

County sheriff in Wisconsin reveals evidence of felony election law violations

QUOTE: The sheriff of Racine County in Wisconsin, Christopher Schmaling, presented evidence Thursday of felony election law violations in the county during the 2020 election.

“Election statute was in fact not just broken, but shattered by members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission,” said the Racine County sheriff, referring to evidence that absentee votes were cast on behalf of cognitively impaired nursing home residents.

Toward the end of the presentation, Schmaling called on the Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul to launch an immediate investigation into the incident.

2- Real life example of how to live with Covid-CCP, which most of the country totally ignores.

Florida has the lowest Covid-CCP rates in the nation and in Florida, they have done the opposite of California.

(Daily Mail Online)

How did Florida end up with one of the best COVID-19 case and death rates in the US?

QUOTE: The declines are despite Governor Ron DeSantis insisting the state would not shut down and refusing to implement mask or vaccine mandates and instead focusing efforts on early treatment

The state is doing just as well as California, despite the West Coast State taking a very strict approach including implementing mask mandates, limiting gatherings and closings bars and indoor dining at restaurants.

Experts say Covid waves usually occur in a two-month cycle – with infections rising for two months before declining – and instead of trying to prevent the cycle from occurring, DeSantis just let it ride out.
3- Fauci was wrong, yet again. More real life data!

(The Spectator World)

College football is confounding COVID anxiety

QUOTE: ...yet the college football season is well under way and producing “real-world data” to help determine whether it’s finally time to obsess less about virions and more about, say, Big 10 rankings.

“I think it’s really unfortunate,” Dr Fauci has remarked, taking his cue from a CNBC host who noted crowded stadiums and fed him this prompt: “I thought COVID is about to have a feast. What do you think?”

It must be said this novel type of clinical trial isn’t randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. It’s not controlled in the least. What it is, though, is huge.

Let’s look at one: Penn State vs Auburn, played in the “Happy Valley” of Pennsylvania which is home to the Nittany Lions. Home fans arrived in uniform with white shirts, white sweaters, white body-paint — a “White Out” across a stadium not exactly built for social distancing (capacity: 106,572). I have nephews — young and trim alums — who must contort themselves while fitting into spaces tighter than the cheap seats on a puddle-jumper airline.

Data? According to the university, seven-day-average infectivity rates among students have fallen consistently from 1 percent on the day of the Auburn game to 0.2 percent currently. Students in quarantine, either because they show COVID symptoms or fall within a contact-tracing chain, have dropped from 34 to 4, this in a home-campus population of 46,000. These trends hold for the entire season to date. (The Auburn game was played on September 18; there have been home games before and since then.)

4- Whenever you start to think that you are the only person who thinks The Swamp is full of incompetent people, pull up a poll. You are not alone.
(Just the News)

Polls: Biden and Congress hit new lows among voters

QUOTE: New polling shows that both President Joe Biden and the 117th Congress have hit new lows in approval this year.The polling comes at a crucial point when Democrats are trying to wrangle their own party members to align behind two major spending bills.

FiveThirtyEight, a polling analysis group, reported that Biden’s approval rating hit a new low this week at just over 43%, according to an averaging of several recent polls. His disapproval is about 51%, which is also the worst since he took office. Biden’s approval numbers are better than former President Donald Trump’s at the same point in his term but well below former President Barack Obama’s approval rating at this point in his presidency.

A Gallup poll released Tuesday found that Congress’ approval also hit a new low for 2021. The poll found approval of Congress has fallen to a dismal 21% in October. The driving reason for that decrease has been a sharp decline among Democrats, whose approval of Congress has fallen from from 55% to 33%.

5- Keep the pressure on your school boards.

(The Blaze)

Missouri and Ohio school board associations leave National School Board Association over ‘domestic terrorists’ letter

The school board associations in Missouri and Ohio on Tuesday separately announced they are ending their membership with the National School Boards Association over a letter the NSBA sent to President Joe Biden last month requesting federal law enforcement to intervene at local school board meetings.

6- Governor DeSantis in Florida is not the only Governor standing up to protect citizens from the Biden Administration mandates.


Missouri Gov. Parson issues executive order to try to block federal vaccine requirements

QUOTE: Missouri Governor Mike Parson is the latest Republican governor to issue an executive order to try and block federal vaccine requirements issued by President Joe Biden. In a statement released by the governor’s office, Parson called the vaccine mandates unconstitutional and said:

“The Biden Administration’s vaccine mandates undermine and deny Missourians’ their right to make personal health decisions and to speak through their elected representatives.”

Parson’s executive order blocks state government agencies with the executive branch from issuing vaccine mandates.
It also bars the state government from penalizing people or businesses who don’t comply with the federal vaccine requirements.

7- When you are in a pitched battle, you never know who might step up and become a hero.
Will Dave Chappelle and Enes Kanter be on a second Mount Rushmore?

QUOTE: Future historians may look back 200 years from now and target October 2021 as the time when comedian Dave Chappelle and pro basketball player Enes Kanter saved American free speech, freedom of thought and freedom of expression from extinction.

After years of political correctness, cancel culture and downright suppression of conservative free speech, Chappelle, a well-known comedian with a history of controversy; and Kanter, a Turkish-born Boston Celtics basketball player who has taken on the presidents of Turkey and China and now Nike, slammed massive flaming spears in the ground for free speech when almost every academic, business and political leader couldn’t, wouldn’t, hasn’t or didn’t.

Chappelle’s special, which even the president of Netflix Ted Sarandos tried to walk back from by saying he probably made mistakes in how he handled the controversy, was designed to end a running battle Chapelle has had with the transgender community for years.

QUOTE: The perfect irony in these days of “identity politics” based solely on a person’s skin color or gender would be if a black comedian and a Turkish-born basketball-playing immigrant became known as the two leaders in 2021 who rescued America from losing its freedom, independence and its telos — its essence and purpose.

At least they wouldn’t be “two old white guys who owned slaves in the 18th century” telling us what to do. They are two Americans doing what Americans have always done — telling the truth as they see it and speaking truth to power.

8- You will not see this anywhere else. It will be totally ignored.
12,000 Municipal workers including FDNY, NYPD, SDNY and EMS marched across the Brooklyn Bridge today to protest the vaccine mandates
9- Parents ARE winning!!
The School Board ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Dumpster Fire Proves Parents Are Winning Ground
QUOTE: After Attorney General Merrick Garland’s disastrous performances in congressional hearings Wednesday and last Thursday — bookending a fake apology from the National Association of School Boards over their collusion to target parents — it’s gleefully obvious that the educrats are in deep trouble.
In Wednesday’s hearing, Garland embarrassed himself by indicating he would keep targeting parents even after the NSBA walked back their letter, feigning ignorance of memorandums circulated by U.S. attorneys he supposedly oversees, and refusing to meaningfully answer questions about his own ethics complications. Multiple senators called for his resignation to his face.
10- Patriots in Virginia! Pay no attention to the polling!  Vote in person on Tuesday.

(Fox News)

Youngkin pulls ahead of McAuliffe among Virginia likely voters

QUOTE: Republican Glenn Youngkin has moved ahead of Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race, less than a week before the election.

McAuliffe receives 45 percent to Youngkin’s 53 percent in a new Fox News survey of Virginia likely voters.  Youngkin’s eight-point advantage is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.

Until next week….Read. Know. Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,
