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Dear Patriots,

Just in case you did not have time to watch this informative interview with Sidney about the work being done on election fraud or read her Op-Ed on what happened on January 6, here are the links again.

Rumble — Attorney Sidney Powell of DefendingTheRepublic.org joins hosts Andrew Wommack and Richard Harris.

The Untold Election Case that Should Have Stopped the Coup

Why Nancy Pelosi Had to Hurry on January 6

Now for the Good News we managed to find!

1- To borrow from Mark Twain, “we are pleased to report that the “death” of John Durham has been greatly exaggerated”.

We apologize for having given up on him! FINALLY, the Truth is coming out!

Thanks also to Bill Barr for naming him Special Prosecutor. We have hope now for restoring the Rule of Law.

More coming soon.

(The Epoch Times)

John Durham Grand Jury Indicts Lawyer Whose Firm Represented Democrats in 2016

Special prosecutor John Durham has charged Washington-based lawyer Michael Sussmann, who represented former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, with lying to the FBI during Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

2- We will take every single small victory and celebrate them!!

(The Epoch Times)

Federal Judge Sides With DeSantis on Mask Mandate Ban

On Sept. 15, a Miami federal judge handed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a victory when he ruled against the parents of students with disabilities in a lawsuit over public school mask mandates.

3- Even with a news black out on this story, the truth has leaked out.

(Information Liberation)

Poll: HALF of Americans Agree Jan 6 Suspects Are ‘Political Prisoners’

Despite the GOP establishment throwing Jan 6 protesters under the bus and staying silent as they’re being held in indefinite detention, tortured, beaten, racially abused and locked in solitary confinement in DC jails, half of Americans now recognize they’re “political prisoners,” according to a new poll.

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 49% said that those jailed for violence and other charges are being held as “political prisoners.” Some 30% “strongly” agree.

4- There are many people working to to protect the rights and freedoms of Americans.

(The Daily Wire)

Judge Blocks Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers In New York

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York on Tuesday morning temporarily blocked Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s order mandating health workers to get the vaccine against COVID.

A group of health care workers represented by the Thomas More Society sued the state arguing their Constitutional rights were violated when the state’s issued a vaccination mandate barring religious exemptions.

5- As is always the case, we are not getting real numbers or science in any Covid-CCP reporting.

(The Federalist)

New Study: Nearly Half Of 2021 COVID Hospitalizations Weren’t For Severe Cases

A newly released study has found that nearly half of those hospitalized for COVID-19 in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or were mild or asymptomatic for the respiratory virus.

Conducted by a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School, Tufts Medical Center, and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, the yet-to-be peer-reviewed analysis examined electronic records for nearly 50,000 COVID hospital admissions at more than 100 VA hospitals across the country.

6- We hope this is being planned in more states!

(The Federalist)

The Pushback Begins, Arizona Becomes the First State to Sue Biden Administration Over Vaccine Mandate

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration on Tuesday over President Joe Biden’s six-pronged plan to combat COVID-19 that affects over 100-million Americans.

The 15-page lawsuit is the first filed against the requirements in the country.

Several Republican governors immediately vowed to sue the administration when the mandate went into effect, USA Today reported on Friday.

Nearly all Republican-led states — 27 so far — have begun gearing up to fight the mandate, according to The Epoch Times.

7- Little by little the Truth is winning!


Democrats Continue to Lose Ground in Texas as Hispanic Voters Turn Their Back on the Left

The blue wave that the left said was going to hit Texas continues to recede further and further back as numbers continue to show Democrats losing ground in the Lone Star State.

According to Texas Monthly, Starr County is turning red by leaps and bounds with Republicans showing up in droves and increasing their presence by the triple digits while Zapata County is seeing red for the first time in decades.

8- NO ONE is happy with the garbage happening in public schools!

(American Experiment)

Public school parents less satisfied with their schools than parents in other learning environments

Private school, homeschool, and charter school parents are more satisfied with their children’s schooling experiences compared to public district school parents, according to EdChoice’s national 2021 Schooling in America survey conducted June 4-July 8, 2021.

Seventy-two percent of private school parents are “very satisfied” with their children’s school as are 63 percent of homeschool parents compared to 31 percent of public district school parents. Overall satisfaction is also highest among private and homeschool parents, with 92 percent of private school parents “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” and 87 percent of homeschool parents feeling the same about their children’s learning environment.

9- Here is one story and recommendations on how to treat Covid-CCP.

(The Greer Journal)

How to beat the virus with early treatment

I woke up yesterday with a slight malaise and I sneezed once. I knew I had come down with a virus of some sort. It was very mild and in the early stages, but I got ahead of it by taking hydroxychloroquine[1], ivermectin[2],[3], aspirin, Vitamin D, and Tamiflu (oseltamivir).

I skipped the pointless testing step for several reasons. The therapy would not have changed regardless of the results. The nasal-swab PCR test not only delays therapy by days (it is crucial to treat early), but it is also infamously unreliable to the point of being dangerous rather than helpful (i.e., false-positives up to 95%).

In addition, the point-of-care antibody tests are not sensitive enough and result in false-negatives (for the best test to determine your COVID status, go to NYU Langone and get the blood-drawn panel of antibody assays I helped developed, which I humbly call The Greer Protocol).

Right now, fewer than 24-hours later, I believe I have completely recovered.

10- It is always refreshing to hear that we have this great Governor protecting the people of Florida.


Ron DeSantis Makes Total Boss Move After Biden HHS Takes Over Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Distribution

As we reported earlier, the Biden administration announced this week that they are effectively taking over the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments used in the treatment of the Wuhan virus, a move that has understandably angered some southern state governors who have touted the benefits of its use in people who are in the early stages of battling the coronavirus, specifically in how it significantly reduces the chance of hospitalization.

Most notably, the DeSantis administration came out swinging after learning the news, with spokeswoman Christina Pushaw putting the administration on blast and countering critics who have bizarrely done an about-face on the need to do whatever is necessary to save people infected with the coronavirus.

As it turned out, Pushaw noting that DeSantis was “committed” to making sure his state’s residents could get the treatment “even if we can’t count on the Biden administration” was a preview of what was to come later, as DeSantis announced just a few hours ago that he was trying to work with another provider – GlaxoSmithKline – in hopes of being able to purchase the antibody treatments directly, doing an end-run around the Biden administration.

11- More information on how to resist the vaccine mandates.

(Life Site News)

How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide  

Americans in many different fields of work are suddenly having to choose between taking an abortion-tainted, poorly tested, and dangerous coronavirus injection or being fired from their jobs. Students are also having their educational opportunities denied without proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

As many conservative commentators on Twitter are pointing out, over the course of 18 months, “15 days to slow the spread” turned into “two shots to feed your family.”

12- Just for a little laugh! Satire!

(The Babylon Bee)

Californians Desperate To Escape Cling To Landing Gear Of Last Jet Leaving LAX

LOS ANGELES, CA—One day after Governor Newsom fended off recall and secured the continuation of his reign, swarms of Californians descended upon Los Angeles International Airport desperate to escape.  As planes filled and people began getting turned away, mothers attempted to pass their babies over the fence of the tarmac, and others clung to the landing gear of the last departing planes.


We continue to work to inform you of the truth. We appreciate that you are sharing this information with others.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken