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Dear Patriots,

This year will be pivotal for each of us and for our country.

Defending The Republic is optimistic that our year of building and organizing places us in a position to bring real solutions to the many issues that face us.

We have produced this brief video taking a look back on the year. It is good to look back to make sure we are ready to go forward into the future.

Please watch and share.

This year we will continue talking to you each week; informing you of news that is being hidden or underreported.

Today, we have much to share.


1- Shockingly, after two years, there is NO consistently used treatment for Covid-CCP. The medical community refuses to collectively treat Americans once they become ill.

The ONE exception to this was the antibody infusion treatment that popped up last summer.

As soon as the positive results of this treatment were exposed, the Biden Regime made it unavailable. How many of us have to die before we can get consistent treatment that does not involve the dangerous vaccine?

(American Greatness) 

Doctors Outraged After Biden Regime Shuts Down Life-Saving Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

QUOTE: Doctors across the country are expressing shock and outrage after the Biden regime shut off distribution of monoclonal antibodies, preventing them from treating patients infected with the Delta coronavirus with the life-saving therapeutic.

In a letter addressed to Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra Tuesday, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo accused the Biden administration of “actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments,” undermining Florida’s strategy to handle the disease.

The Biden administration paused shipments of the monoclonal antibodies because according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the treatment isn’t effective against Omicron, which they claim became the dominant strain earlier this month.

However, the CDC has now admits that it seriously miscalculated the prevalence of the Omicron variant in the US, according to the Daily Mail reported, “overblowing the figure by as much as 50 percentage points, sowing confusion as the nation breaks records for new cases.”


2- This is why elections matter and why who you vote for makes an enormous difference in your every day life. People in states with sensible leadership have protections that those in liberal dominated states do not. It is no wonder there is currently a mass exodus from Blue States.

(The Daily Wire) 

Red States Boost Unemployment For Unvaxed Workers Fired Over Vaccine Status

QUOTE: At least five states have passed legislation boosting unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs for being unvaccinated, and several more states are considering similar protections.

Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, and Tennessee have extended unemployment benefits for workers fired for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Lawmakers in Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Missouri are considering similar worker protections in a Republican-led effort to fight back against President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine orders, which cover millions of private workers and federal contractors.

Biden’s vaccine orders have sparked widespread and intense pushback from elected officials and private businesses. The Daily Wire is leading a legal challenge against one of Biden’s orders mandating that companies with at least 100 employees either vaccinate or regularly test workers for COVID-19. Any worker who refuses the vaccine or tests must be fired or the business will be fined a minimum of roughly $14,000 per infraction, according to the mandate.

Despite the Biden administration’s push for a federal fix for the spread of COVID-19, the president said on Monday during a call with state governors that “there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level.”


3- No one knows why there is an unheard of 40% increase in DEATHS among young healthy people? Humm.

Reading this entire article, there seems to be a word missing. Could we consider that most if not all of these deaths may have been caused by a recently introduced medical procedure called the Covid-CCP VACCINE? It is now being nicknamed the “Clot Shot”, and for good reason.

Or, could we also just consider that two years of “flattening the curve” has caused more alcoholism, drug use, depression and illness?

Honestly, it may NOT be the vaccine that is causing unprecedented deaths in young people. But, could someone, at the very least, STUDY and examine the possibility instead of continuing to blindly force it on every working person and the military?

(Just The News) 

Insurance CEO says deaths up 40% among working age people, and it’s not just COVID

QUOTE: “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business,” OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison says.

The head of OneAmerica insurance said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64″ who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.”Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”


4- We spent some time last year talking about how to get healthy and strong. We believe that healthy people are harder to push around!

Once again we share this totally overlooked aspect of our two years of Covid-CCP hysteria. We will be talking more about ways to improve your health this year, but in the meantime, you can drop your chances of Covid-CCP complications up to 60% by losing weight!

(The Daily Caller) 

Study Shows That Losing Weight Drastically Reduces Risk Of Severe COVID-19 Outcomes

QUOTE: A new study concluded that Americans can reduce their risk from COVID-19 by losing a few pounds.

The Cleveland Clinic found that, among COVID-19 patients with obesity, weight loss via bariatric surgery was associated with a 60% reduction in risk of severe complications from the virus.

“Obesity weakens the immune system, creates a chronic inflammatory state, and increases risk for cardiovascular disease, blood clots, and lung conditions. All of these conditions can complicate COVID-19,” the Clinic said in a press release. “Our study provides strong evidence that obesity is a modifiable risk factor for COVID-19 that can be improved through a successful weight-loss intervention,” Dr. Ali Aminian, the study’s lead author, said.

“This study suggests that an emphasis on weight loss as a public health strategy can improve outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic and future outbreaks or related infectious diseases,” said Dr. Steven Nissen, chief academic officer at the Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute at Cleveland Clinic. “That is a very important finding considering that 40% of Americans have obesity.”


5- As Biden told us before Christmas regarding his plan to end Covid-CCP, “There is no federal solution.”  We agree!

This is not only true in regard to Covid-CCP but on almost all issues. Massive government overreach into global warming is a folly. This year alone produced massive failures.

Read them all. We pulled two of the worst.

(Master Resource-Steve Malloy)  

“The Top 10 Under-reported Climate Flops of 2021”

QUOTE: The year 2021 may go down in history as the year that foretold the end of the climate idiocy movement — although the movement is unlikely to take the hint.

This year witnessed the follies, failures and lies of climate idiocy laid bare for all to see — that is, if the media had actually reported them.

So here are the 10 biggest failures of the climate movement in 2021. The only reason the climate movement survives past these flops is because the mainstream media keeps it afloat by failing to honestly report the news.

2. Frozen Texas windmills causes blackouts that kill dozens. As bitterly cold weather approached Texas before Valentine’s Day weekend, Texas regulators opted to rely on wind turbines to provide 30% of the state’s electricity. But when the weather hit, the wind turbines froze. Because of the faith that the wind turbines would work in the approaching cold weather, back-up natural gas facilities were not prepared to step in to fill the gap. Much of Texas went dark and the state came within just a few minutes of a total grid failure that could have last weeks. More than 200 died as a result of the power failure. The media response has been to try and shift blame from the wind turbines to the fossil fuel plants. But the bottom line is: The wind failed first and worst in Texas.

4. Biden’s war on fracking backfires — raises energy prices and emissions — and makes the US dependent on OPEC again. President Biden campaigned in 2020 on banning fracking and his first year in office has not disappointed. Biden has taken a number of actions to depress US oil production as oil demand ramped up from the lows during the COVID pandemic. Throw in the global energy crisis (See No. 1) and Americans are paying the highest prices for gasoline in more than a decade. Biden has “tried ” to alleviate this crisis by asking the OPEC cartel to increase oil production, signaling the transfer of energy dominance from the US (under President Trump) back to the cartel. OPEC then rebuffed Biden. High natural gas prices have also caused US electric utilities to burn 20% more coal which will result in an increase in US emissions.


6- The goodness of mankind on display. Sadly it is borne out of the idiocy of mankind.

(Trending Politics) 

After Spokane Food Program Officials Turn Away Unvaccinated for Christmas Meals – Patriots Step In and Feed Everyone

QUOTE: A week before Christmas, in Spokane, WA, the Christmas Bureau food assistance program turned away needy people who could not show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test no more than 72 hours old.

The Christmas Bureau is an annual holiday assistance program coordinated by Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, Volunteers of America, and the Spokesman-Review. The program is made possible by generous monetary funds and volunteer hours donated by community members and organizations.

In response to the Christmas Bureau’s actions, a group of Christian patriots launched a “No Vaccine Canteen” to feed everyone — regardless of their medical history. Dan Bell, who helped organize a food drive and feed the homeless, said he was surprised to see that a Catholic church was involved in turning away the hungry.

“As a Christian, if you’re following the teachings of Jesus, you feed the hungry, right? You feed all hungry. So, we wanted to make sure nobody went without a good hot meal on Christmas,” Bell said in an interview with the North Idaho Exposed YouTube channel.


7- Pockets of normal people who think logically are out there, even close to the disaster of Chicago.

(Washington Examiner) 

Suburban Chicago village stands up to new ‘political’ vaccination mandate

QUOTE: A village in the suburban Chicago area is standing up to Cook County’s new vaccination mandate.

The Village of Orland Park, which sits about 25 miles southwest of Chicago, said it would not enforce the mandate, according to a resolution passed by village officials Tuesday.

The Orland Park Board of Trustees voted unanimously to pass the resolution, saying that no data could be presented to support the county’s “political” mandate, according to a report. “If a mandate is going to be passed, it should be passed by law. It should be done by the legislative body, and additionally, it should be supported by data and facts,” Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau said.

Orland Park has a lower case rate than both Illinois and suburban Cook County as a whole, and the village has not once enforced a mask mandate, according to the mayor. In total, roughly 94% of the village’s residents are vaccinated, and several came to voice their opinions at Tuesday night’s meeting.

“There is no evidence that the vaxxed versus the unvaccinated can catch this disease more,” Diane Murphy said.


8- Alex Berenson studies the data; that is why we love his work. It is not biased with politics, it is what it is.

(Alex Berenson)

Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths. They never have, even at peak effectiveness. A huge US database offers proof

QUOTE: Even at the peak of their protection earlier in 2021, Covid vaccines barely reduced the risk of hospitalizations in vaccinated people who had “breakthrough” infections, new data show.

Vaccinated people in a study published Tuesday had a nearly 1 in 200 chance of of requiring hospitalization for Covid in the first six months after being “fully vaccinated.”

That stunning risk came even though the median age of people in the study was only 51, and most were relatively healthy.

Deaths, ventilator use, and other severe outcomes also occurred regularly in vaccinated people. The data comes from a study of about 600,000 vaccinated Americans seen at over 100 academic medical centers.

The study was published online Dec. 28 in the Journal of the American Medical Association – JAMA Internal Medicine.

The data in the study also make clear how quickly vaccine protection fades after the second dose – and that the Centers for Disease Control hugely understated the number of vaccinated people hospitalized for Covid earlier this year.


9- This three hour interview with Dr. Robert Malone is full of interesting ideas and information.

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989.  Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19.

We encourage you to listen to it. It is being removed from some platforms so you know it must be on target! Also, Dr. Malone was kicked off Twitter last week. This is the left’s response to anyone who manages to shine some light in the media darkness.

You can view it here on the Spotify app. If you do not have the app on your phone, it is an easy and free download.


The Renewal

Start off 2022 in a meaningful way.

Join us for an important day–a turning point–as we renew our

covenant with God begun with the Mayflower Compact 400 years ago.

Come to hear in person:

Sidney Powell , Mike Lindell, Jonathan Cohn and others.

January 8 near Tampa, FL.

See the link for all the information: tickets, transportation, hotels.


The great aspect of a NEW YEAR is that YOU get to choose how you want to spend this year.

You get to choose how you want to be involved.  You are the creator of your well being.

We ask you to choose to continue your support of Defending The Republic.

Choose God.

Choose health.

Choose true information.

Choose positive.

Choose happiness.

Choose to fight.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic