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Dear Patriots,

No one tells us when we are winning. The left wants to portray us as losers and all alone and that they have the majority support.
So, we must seek out our own wins.
On Friday, we had a win.
1- Wow. How bad must the polls have been, how unrelenting was the push back from parents, to get this group to apologize? Or was it the reporting that the White House colluded with the NSBA that forced them to take one for the Biden team?
Regardless, this is a win for all of the parents and grandparents across America who have fought so hard to protect their children from being propagandized in schools with toxic agendas and teachers.

(The Daily Wire)

NSBA Apologizes For Letter Describing Potential Domestic Terrorism At School Board Meetings

QUOTE: The National School Boards Association has issued an apology for a letter it sent to the Biden administration late last month that asked the Department of Justice (DOJ) to crack down on “threats of violence and acts of intimidation” at local school board meetings.

Days after the letter was sent, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced he was ordering the FBI to investigate a recent spike in “harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against school board members.

The original NSBA letter asked the Biden administration to use the Patriot Act to look into “acts of malice, violence and threats against public school officials,” which the association said “could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

On Friday, the NSBA apologized for that letter and the language it used.

QUOTE: The apology was sent one day after The Washington Free Beacon reported on emails obtained by Parents Defending Education that showed the NSBA collaborated with the White House before sending the letter. The emails show that the NSBA’s president and CEO sent the letter to the Biden administration on September 29 without prior approval from the organization’s board. The emails also showed that the White House asked the NSBA for examples of the alleged threats against school board members just one day before Garland announced the task force that would look into those threats.

“The letter makes clear that the White House was aware of the letter before it was released, while raising questions about whether the White House colluded with the association on the letter to prompt federal action,” the Free Beacon reported.

2- Can you guess the one country that has apparently beaten Covid-CCP and did it WITHOUT the vaccines?  The answer is here. Look at the graphs!
QUOTE from Alex: It’s almost – hear me out, this is gonna sound CRAZEE – government strategies have made NO DIFFERENCE to the spread of this highly contagious but only moderately dangerous respiratory disease.  There is one exception, though.
3- We wish we were shocked by this from Obama, but we are not.
There will be no fraud-free elections until every state is audited from 2020. Additionally, each state must pass voting laws which ban mail-in ballots, limit early voting and demand Voter ID. Virginia has done nothing toward this.  So, they will cheat again.
McAuliffe will win and the credit will go to Obama and Biden for coming out to support him.
By the way, check out the photo of the people who came out to hear Obama, then compare that photo to any recent Trump rally.

(Trending Politics)

Barack Obama Signals That Democrats Intend to Cheat in the Virginia Governor’s Election

QUOTE: Barack Obama has signaled not-so-subtly that the Democrats fully intend to cheat in the Virginia governor’s election. In front of a modest crowd at a ticketed event at Virginia Commonwealth University, the former president endorsed gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and emphasized repeatedly that voters can cast their ballots for him in the mail or at drop boxes.

“Before we start anything else, I want to remind you and everybody who’s watching, you don’t have to wait until November 2nd to cast your ballot,” he said. “You can vote early, right now. Either by mail or in person.”

“Don’ be lollygalling [sic],” he said. “Don’t be, don’t be sitting on the couch saying, ‘I’ll get to it later.’ You can vote early right now. If you get a ballot at home, you can return it by mail. Or you can hand it in at your local registrar’s office. Or you can take it to a drop-off location today. Don’t leave it on your desk.”

“Millions of Virginians voted early last year,” he added. “Let’s do it again this year.

4- It is stunning how little support this man has and how little the Fake News talks about it.

Biden has lost more approval at start of term than any other president since World War II.  Poll finds Biden’s support has dropped over 11 points since Q1

QUOTE: Polling shows that President Joe Biden has suffered a larger approval rating drop at the start of his term than any presidentsince World War II.

5- Could this be the downfall of King Fauci? After all, many Americans, regardless of their politics, care passionately for puppies!  Ask Michael Vick.


Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Demands Answers From Fauci About ‘Cruel’ Experiments on Puppies

QUOTE:  Dr. Anthony Fauci, the emerging and infectious diseases “expert” has been implicated in a series of taxpayer-funded, animal-testing experiments. Beagle puppies, that is. This time, a bipartisan group of lawmakers is demanding answers.

According to the White Coat Waste Project (a watch group committed to stopping taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs, monkeys, cats, and other animals), as reported by Daily Caller, 44 beagles were used in the experiments conducted in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory. Some of the dogs reportedly had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking.

6- Sometimes, we are left speechless.
Twitter suspends GOP congressman for calling Biden health adviser Rachel Levine a man
QUOTE: Republican Reps. Jim Banks and Marjorie Taylor Greene were dinged by Twitter this week for saying that Rachel Levine, a transgender Biden administration official, was a man.
Mr. Banks of Indiana said Saturday that his official account was suspended after he tweeted, “The title of first female four-star officer gets taken by a man,” referring to Dr. Levine’s promotion to four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

7-  Who knew there were this many conservatives in Connecticut? But, this shows us there are more people fighting than ever before, even in deep blue states.

(CT Post)

Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene brings ‘message of conservatism’ to Connecticut

QUOTE: On a stage in front of more than 3,000 people waving Donald Trump and United States flags, U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said it reminded her of home.

Greene, a Republican representative for Georgia, visited Plainfield on Saturday afternoon for the Quinebaug Citizens Alliance’s “America First Rally.”

Greene kept coming back to her central message for attendees, which can be applied to any Connecticut resident regardless of political affiliation: Get involved in your local government and promote change.

8- The Left can’t lose for winning, or something like that. What a dilemma. The two states that have passed voting reform laws have landed in the World Series!

(Red State) 

MLB Nightmare: It’s Georgia and Texas in the World Series

QUOTE: Sports writers, MLB staffers, and the commissioner of baseball, in particular, must still be clutching their pearls. Last night, 41,000 unmasked Braves fans screamed their un-masked and un-mandated lungs out, all while tomahawk-chopping their Atlanta Braves to victory. Atlanta was denied this year’s All Star Game because Commissioner Manfred caved to craven political actors. Baseball, he said, can’t have a featured event in Georgia after it passed a voter ID law. Baseball moved the event to Colorado. Colorado already had similar voter law but no matter; its all about optics, not facts.

In July, Texas Democrats slinked away to avoid a quorum on a Texas voter law. They took a private plane, took lots of selfies and lots of beer. They came back with their tails between their legs, empty cases of beer, and a couple of cases of COVID. The new Texas voter law requiring ID passed last month. It was all about optics, not facts.

QUOTE: It’s Georgia and Texas. Yes, Mr. Commissioner, Georgia versus Texas. Neither state has a mask mandate.  Neither state will have people deputized to check COVID “papers.” Vaccination rates in both states are about the same as California. The difference is that, here in California, I see mothers with their children walking dowh the street, all with masks on. You can’t get into Dodger Stadium without showing your COVID “papers.”

Whatever you are doing, do not stop. Keep fighting the battles in your part of the world. We eke out wins every day.
Get healthy. Get informed.
Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,
