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Trump – 1,718,736 (56.8%)
Biden – 1,253,014 (41.4%)


Red – High/Rampant Fraud
Yellow – Likely Fraud
Green – Low/No Fraud


Missouri showed me a few surprises, namely that St. Louis City and Jackson County trended clean. This does not mean no fraud, but rather the trends/registration/population project accurate trend/vote alignment. The same cannot be said for the suburban counties (St. Charles, 10k heavy), and Clay (8k), both with substantial Trump gains and competing Biden record gains to cut margins. I assess 49k excess Biden votes statewide.


Refer to the spreadsheet chart for the yellow counties and remaining counties over 40,000 population. Many of the middle-tier counties are coming in slightly heavy, but not overwhelmingly so.


If Biden is 49k heavy, an accurate margin is 17.3%, or 57.7% to 40.4% – 515k votes.


Best GOP county audit targets – Clay, St. Charles, Jefferson, Greene