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Dear Patriots,

We wanted to share this article with you and ask that you pass it on to everyone.

It is important for as many people as possible to know the garbage that has been tossed on Sidney by the questionable company called Dominion.

Every single day we see examples of Big Tech, or some other “big”, censoring, harassing and intimidating regular American citizens for writing or saying something that the elite left does not approve.

We could literally offer you hundreds of links to stories of this. … But, none of those stories are as breathtaking as what an American corporation has done to Sidney Powell and to others.

They used the legal system as a weapon to avoid being shown to have lied and cheated in the 2020 election, and likely many past elections. It is breathtaking the lengths taken to keep Sidney quiet.

Now, Sidney Powell is pushing back in a big way. She has sued Dominion right back. This article explains it well.

For more information and links to the filing, go to:

Here is a link to the complaint part of the lawsuit against Dominion.

Here are a few “money quotes” from the full article below. But please read the whole thing.

QUOTE: Sidney Powell has struck back. Making a counterclaim which is laid out on her website, Powell avers that Dominion brought this suit against her and her law firm to:

        • punish her for speaking out

        • smear her reputation

        • impair her credibility

        • deflect public attention from the truth of the fraud in the election and

        • punish her for drawing attention to the vulnerabilities in Dominion’s machines and software

QUOTE: When this writer reads the text of a suit brought by Sidney Powell, metaphorical bells ring and liberty is proclaimed throughout the land. Justice cannot be far behind, because the truth stands out in its radiant simplicity.

We do not know who Ms. Powell’s antecedents were, but if Joan of Arc were among them, this writer would not be surprised. That, and perhaps Charles the Bold on horseback wielding a morningstar against his enemies.

Conventional justice will take longer than perceived justice and will be fraught with twists and turns. Since this suit has been brought in the District of Columbia. it will no doubt be a heavy fight. But for this, no dragon slayer is better equipped than Attorney Sidney Powell and her inimitable and talented crew.

Read. Know. Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,

Sidney and Team Kraken


Sidney Powell Countersues Dominion for Bad PR and Fraud

No Dominion Over Me, Sidney Says   

by Choupette Bateaumouchoir / Press California    September 27 2021

What’s in a name? As Shakespeare said, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. And as he didn’t say, a stinkweed would smell as bad. So, we can look at the progression of names in the business of voting machines.

In the mid-19th century, a machine manufacturing company was established and called Diebold, after the owner. Diebold spawned a small and problematic offshoot named Premier (a hopeful wish name) to manufacture voting machines.

In a tight financial period, Premier was sold off to a company with a ho-hum modern name, Essential Services and Software (ES&S), which then turned around quickly and sold its assets in 2010 to a new voting machine company called Dominion. And what, in these times of corporate expansion and overreach, does Dominion exactly mean?

Dominion means supreme authority or absolute ownership.

No pikers, these owners/founders, execs of Dominion, when dealing with antagonists they assert dominion with a flourish that would not be passed Nancy Pelosi or other psychopathic narcissist. They are proponents of: There is no good defense like an aggressive offense.

So, this year as 2020 election result questions piled up, the Dominion people threatened suit against every big or semibig name they could think of who had brought their badly designed and managed machines to light related to the election, including Lou Dobbs, Newsmax, OAN, Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Patrick Byrne, Mike Lindell, OAN CEO Robert Herring and his son, OAN President Charles Herring, correspondent Chanel Rion and presenter Christina Bobb.

Dominion is even considering suing Donald Trump. (Smartmatic, another voting machine company, is suing Lou Dobbs, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and Maria Bartiromo).

Last but not least, Dominion is suing Sidney Powell and has also sent out 150 “cease and desist” letters to everyone but the kitchen sink.

Sidney has struck back. Making a counterclaim which is laid out on her website.  Powell avers that Dominion brought this suit against her and her law firm to:

        • punish her for speaking out

        • smear her reputation

        • impair her credibility

        • deflect public attention from the truth of the fraud in the election and

        • punish her for drawing attention to the vulnerabilities in Dominion’s machines and software

Powell asserts that ‘in an effort to avoid having these underlying facts surface in the public dialogue, Dominion developed a public relations strategy through litigation. As a part of its “lawfare” campaign, Dominion filed billion-dollar-plus lawsuits against separate defendants at critical and strategically planned times. ‘

Powell, nothing if not thorough, brings twenty-five affirmative defenses designed to knock down the plaintiff, Dominion, in this case. These include lack of standing, improper venue, estoppel, lack of causation, privileged communication, the First Amendment, absence of malice, and more than a dozen other defenses. For a non-lawyer, two of the most powerful are:

    – Fourth Affirmative Defense –  Plaintiffs’ own claims are barred in whole or in part by Plaintiff’s own fraud

Fifth Affirmative Defense –  Plaintiffs’ own claims are barred in whole or in part by illegality

It is true that these illegal fraudsters have no place suing anyone. Powell in the countersuit claims that the plaintiff’s allegations, paragraph by paragraph and even by sentences within paragraphs, are either hyperbolic narrative or in most cases are denied and strict proof is demanded.

The counterclaim states that Dominion brought suit to punish Powell and that Dominion did not bring the litigation with the purpose of winning, as its entire annual revenue is less than 1/10th of the $1.3B for which it is bringing suit.

The countersuit goes on to state that continued scrutiny of the vulnerabilities of the Dominion voting systems would likely open its executives to civil and criminal liability.

Further, contrary to the executives’ sworn statements and assurances, the Dominion patents and manuals expressly provide for remote access to real-time election results, to adjudicate or flip votes, to delete audit logs and votes and other vulnerabilities.

The countersuit avers that to avoid having these facts made public, Dominion developed this litigation as a public relations campaign to change the narrative, hide the truth, and discourage future challenges and negative reporting. It then proceed to bring suit seriatim to a large number of individuals and business (news) entities, when it could have brought one suit citing all defendants.

The countersuit states that Dominion did this in order to drag out negative press coverage. It then sent out over 150 cease and desist letters to a variety of parties including unknown tweeters who simply expressed an opinion, and also witnesses, attorneys, and experts.

The countersuit claims that Dominion’s behavior is an abuse of process and demands $10 mil in damages plus punitive damages.

When this writer reads the text of a suit brought by Sidney Powell, metaphorical bells ring and liberty is proclaimed throughout the land. Justice cannot be far behind, because the truth stands out in its radiant simplicity.

We do not know who Ms. Powell’s antecedents were, but if Joan of Arc were among them, this writer would not be surprised. That, and perhaps Charles the Bold on horseback wielding a morningstar against his enemies.

Conventional justice will take longer than perceived justice and will be fraught with twists and turns. Since this suit has been brought in the District of Columbia. it will no doubt be a heavy fight.

But for this, no dragon slayer is better equipped than Attorney Sidney Powell and her inimitable and talented crew.



Please pass this on to all like-minds in your social and professional orbits.
