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Dear Patriots,

We appreciate all of your comments and suggestions but one message this week warmed all of our hearts.
I just wanted to take a minute and say THANK YOU for convincing me last August to apply for a religious exemption from taking the vaccine.
My employer mandated vaccination for all district management and above and I was really on the fence, not wanting to put a target on my back for refusing. My wife contacted DTR and one of your female attorneys called me, I apologize I don’t recall her name. She convinced me to stand my ground and apply for the exemption. I did, and it was approved.
All I had to do was test weekly up until late January when they ended our testing program. With all the data that is now coming out about the vaccines and the obvious harm they have caused tens of thousands, I am SO glad I didn’t let them put that poison in my body. That phone call potentially saved my life!
My entire family is unvaccinated, we’ve all had Covid, and we’re all fine! Keep up the great work you’re doing, we will continue to support your efforts.
These are dark days but freedom is alive and well, as long as we never let them take it from us. God Bless you and God Bless America!
We are thrilled to have been of assistance to this family.

1- Free at last! No more nasty masks on airplanes and airports! This is why we have a Constitution, to protect us from the over-reach of an unelected federal bureaucracy.

Thank God for Judge Mizelle for affirming that the mask mandates were unconstitutional and always illegal. Laws are passed by Congress, not made up by a government agency.

Just The News

Federal judge strikes down CDC’s COVID mask mandate for air passengers, other mass travelers

QUOTE: A federal judge in Florida  on Monday struck down the Biden administration’s mask mandate for air passengers and others mass travelers.

The judge, Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, said the mandate was unlawful because it exceeded the statutory authority of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention DC and that its implementation violates administrative law insofar as the agency did not provide a sufficient justification for its mandate.

2- We are watching with great interest how the Durham investigation of Clinton/Elias/Fusion GPS is unfolding. Here is a good run down on recent developments.

There is a lot of scrambling going on.

Techno Fog on Substack

Clinton Campaign: Fusion GPS provided legal advice

And why Clinton will lose the “privilege” fight.

QUOTE: The battle over documents and e-mails in the Michael Sussmann case just got hotter.

Back in August 2017, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee, explaining how his firm was retained to gather “lots of facts about Donald Trump.” He admitted that Fusion GPS met with reporters leading up to the 2016 election to spread opposition research against then-candidate Trump.

Today there was a flurry of filings from interested entities in the Sussmann case, seeking to intervene to petition the court to keep these emails and documents secret. The DNC, Rodney Joffe, Perkins Coie, and Hillary for America all filed motions to intervene and memorandums in opposition to Durham’s motion to compel.

Fusion GPS, in its filing today, made similar arguments: “Elias retained Fusion to expressly support his legal advice . . . and the retention specifically contemplated the need for such advice for potential and ongoing litigation.” This is the pattern of Fusion GPS, which previously refused to produce correspondence in the Alfa Bank (Fridman, et al.) case.

Having already produced thousands of pages of materials requested by grand jury subpoenas, they’re all desperate to keep these remaining records secret. We can’t help but think the information is damaging. How damaging might it be? Damaging enough for this fight.

3- Stories like this are affirming but oddly, the Fake News never discusses WHY 200,000 subscribers found other uses for their money.

The content and direction Netflix has embarked on since the hiring of the Obamas, is not the content that at least 200,000 people want.

If you have not divorced your home from Netflix, now is still a good time to stop supporting yet another leftist propaganda factory.


Netflix Shares Drop 23 Percent After It Loses 200K Subscribers

QUOTE: Netflix’s video streaming service suffered the first loss in worldwide subscribers in its history, leading to a massive sell-off of its shares. The company’s customer base fell by 200,000 subscribers during the January-March period, according to a quarterly report released Tuesday; its stock dropped by 23% in after-market trading.

The subscription figure was far worse than company management’s forecast for a conservative gain of 2.5 million subscribers. The news deepens troubles at the streaming service that have been mounting since a surge of signups from a captive audience during the pandemic began to slow.

It marks the first time Netflix’s worldwide subscribers have contracted, although the service previously saw a decline in U..S. subscribers in 2019. Now Netflix is bracing for things to get even worse with a projected loss of another 2 million subscribers during the April-June period.

The disappointing performance caused Netflix’s stock price to plunge 23% in extended trading. Investors had already been bailing out of the company’s once high-flying stock amid a dramatic slowdown in subscriber growth. If the shares behave similarly in Wednesday’s regular trading session, Netflix’s stock will have lost more than its value so far this year.

4- This will be interesting to watch. We are placing bets that the winner will be the people of Florida and not Disney.
DeSantis Announces Legislature Will Consider Ending Disney’s ‘Special Tax and Governing Jurisdiction’ Status

QUOTE: In this episode of “The Battle Between the Woke Mouse and the Awesome Florida Governor,” the governor kicks it up a notch or two against the mouse, although it remains unclear if the mouse himself (I assume “he” is still a “he”) is indeed woke, or is being held against his will a by a super-evil overlord.

As RedState reported on April 1, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) floated the idea of changing Florida law to revoke Disney’s preferred tax status in the state. He meant that. DeSantis announced on Tuesday that the state legislature will consider a proposal to eliminate Disney’s special tax and governing jurisdiction in the governor’s latest battle, as reported by Breitbart, after the megacorporation announced its opposition to the Parental Rights in Education Bill he signed into law in March.

5- Once again we have an example of how leadership in the states can solve big problems. This is not a total fix to all the issues at our border but it is a good work-around the feckless Biden regime.

Governor Abbott Signs Agreements With Four Mexican Governors To Enhance Border Security

QUOTE: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced an agreement with a fourth Mexican governor regarding enhanced security measures at ports of entry along the southern border.

Abbott signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between his state and the State of Tamaulipas allowing for enhanced border security measures that “will prevent illegal immigration from Mexico to Texas and improve the flow of traffic across the international bridge.”

Prior to that, he had signed similar MOUs with Chihuahua Governor María Eugenia Campos Galván, Coahuila Governor Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, and Nuevo León Governor Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda.

“Border governors can achieve results when we work together and put the safety of our constituents first,” Abbott said in a statement.

“While President Biden ignores the ongoing crisis at the border, the State of Texas will continue to work with heads of state in Mexico to further strengthen our comprehensive border strategy.”

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