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Dear Patriots,

We continue to be shocked at the people who continue pushing for the untested, unproven, unlicensed vaccine for the Covid-CCP virus. A virus that is 99% recoverable. More and more stories are leaking through the political agenda showing the vaccines can be deadly to young boys.

But while the push is on, we are also seeing brave people stand up to this massive push to get everyone vaccinated.
We are sharing a host of articles that may have missed your attention.
1 – Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV. She walks through the steps that need to happen in order to reclaim the stolen election.  
2 -The restrictions being placed on people by “governments” are simply crazy!

QUOTE: The 149th Open Championship will feature a number of COVID guidelines and policies that are rubbing some participants the wrong way. The Open was canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic, and though many hoped for a big rebound in 2021, it is already facing backlash for the self-imposed restrictions.

In an interview with Golfweek, an anonymous participant set to join the Open Championship discussed the qualms that most players have with the COVID guidelines.

“If someone on your plane tests positive on way to the British and is sitting anywhere close to you, you’re out no questions asked, no matter if you’re vaccinated. It’s aggravating that they deem the tournament safe enough for 32,000 fans a day to attend, but won’t let a player’s wife, children travel and watch the tournament, nor will they even let players visit a restaurant without threat of disqualification.

“No one outside the accommodation ‘buddy’ group is permitted to visit other self-catering private accommodation. This would be a breach of the COVID-19 protocols and could lead to withdrawal from the championship.

“They care more about the revenue of the fans buying beers than they do about the actual people participating in the tournament,” said the player who spoke with Golfweek. “Any fan can go to a grocery store or a restaurant and we can’t. Does that make sense? And I’m vaccinated. How does that make sense?”

3 – If you live in North Carolina or are a college baseball fan, you have heard about the idiocy that canceled North Carolina State baseball team’s Cinderella run in the College World Series.
This remains a confusing situation as no one knows still what rules were broken.

‘Low even for the NCAA’: Reactions to NCAA’s decision to oust NC State from College World Series – USATODAY June 26, 2021—

QUOTE:  Much of the Wolfpack was asleep on the east coast when NC State baseball’s season came to a bitter end at 2:10 a.m ET, following an already disheartening day in Omaha.

The NCAA announced early Saturday morning the 1 p.m. College World Series game between Vanderbilt and NC State would be ruled a no-contest due to COVID-19 protocols. 

According to D1Baseball.com, two NC State players, who were not vaccinated, tested positive for COVID-19 this week. Per COVID-19 protocol, the entire roster was tested and four came back positive. These four positive tests were from vaccinated individuals present in the dugout Friday.  

Following Friday night’s game, NC State baseball coach Elliott Avent said it wasn’t his place to tell his players to get vaccinated.

“My job is to teach them baseball, make sure they get an education and keep them on the right track forward,” Avent said. “But I don’t try to indoctrinate my kids with my values or my opinions. Obviously, we talk about a lot of things, but these are young men that can make their own decisions. And that’s what they did.”


4 – We are sure that you have heard the Drive By Fake News scream about the new Delta Covid-CCP strain. It is being used as the newest leftist weapon to beat us all over the head and scare us into locking down, masking and vaccinating.

Before you run terrified back into the closet, read this and look into the facts, you know, the “science”. 

The Delta deception: New COVID variant might be less deadly

Daniel Horowitz June 23, 2021   THE BLAZE

QUOTE: “This COVID variant will be the one to really get us. No, it’s this one. Well, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma weren’t a problem, but I promise you ‘the Delta’ spells the end of civilization.”

That is essentially the panic porn dressed up as science that we have been treated to ever since the virus declined in January following the winter spread, which appears to have given us a great deal of herd immunity.

Despite the advent of the British and South African variants, cases, not to mention fatalities, have continued to plummet in all of the places where those variants were supposedly common. Which is why they are now repeating the same mantra about the “Delta” variant from India.

And of course, no list would be complete without the headline from Dr. Fauci yesterday, stating that the “Delta variant is the greatest threat in the US.”

The implication from these headlines is that somehow this variant is truly more transmissible and deadly (as the previous variants were falsely portrayed to be), they escape natural immunity and possibly the vaccine — and therefore, paradoxically, you must get vaccinated and continue doing all the things that failed to work for the other variants!

However, if people would actually look at the data, they’d realize that the Delta variant is actually less deadly. These headlines are able to gain momentum only because of the absurd public perception that somehow India got hit worse than the rest of the world.

In reality, India has one-seventh the death rate per capita of the U.S.; it’s just that India got the major winter wave later, when the Western countries were largely done with it, thereby giving the illusion that India somehow suffered worse. Now, the public health Nazis are transferring their first big lie about what happened in India back to the Western world.


5 – This is a long but excellent article that goes though the things we have been forced to do because of Covid-CCP.

QUOTE:  Does wearing a cloth or paper face mask protect you from a virus? Is the PCR test a reliable method for identifying an infection? Do lockdowns help slow the spread? Are there any safe medicines that have successfully treated or prevented COVID-19?

Ask these questions to a random selection of people and you’ll probably get very conflicting answers. That’s because there’s a lot of confusion surrounding the COVID pandemic. 

Dr. Colleen Huber tackles the question in her new book, “The Defeat of COVID.” Her mission is to educate people on how our bodies function, methods we’ve used in the past to address infection, and the scientific evidence related to COVID-19 so we can better understand the crisis we face.

“There is so much misunderstanding about so many things related to COVID. The less we know about the human immune system, the activity of viruses in general, the natural interventions that have worked so well for so many of our ancestors for countless generations, then the more that a scary virus story sends people into the deep end of fear,” Huber said. “Fear alone is quite crippling. I find that it makes people agree to things that they would not otherwise agree to.”

Huber’s conclusions consistently oppose much of what is reported in mainstream media. But she cites more than 500 medical studies to make her case.
6 – Keep an eye out for Defending the Republic billboards.

Look for more from Sidney later in the week. In the meantime, share this information.
Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken