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Dear Patriots,

At Defending the Republic, the Kraken Attorneys have been working to help the political prisoners who have been locked in solitary confinement and 23-hour lockdown for the past 8 months, by their own government

We have seen first hand the devastation this has caused hundreds of families. Frankly, we do not want anyone else to go through this. And so, Sidney is asking that you strongly consider not attending this gathering in Washington, DC.

Message from Sidney

As much as we support the defendants of January 6 and vehemently object to the brutality they have been dealt, we cannot help but be concerned that the planned protest of September 18 in D.C. will be used by the wrong people to cause violence and mayhem we do not want and certainly don’t need.

You can show your support more safely and meaningfully by putting this emblem on all your social media, flying your flag, and praying for Defending the Republic efforts in helping the prisoners.  Be careful and lawful whatever you do.

Respectfully,  Sidney Powell

For more information on rallies in various states, go to Look Ahead America

The rallies in the states will probably be a safer place to peacefully protest.

Again, we fully support this cause and the energy behind it, but we are very concerned that more people will be caught in a set-up or false flag operation.

The FBI continues to hunt down more people in connection to January 6.  Just this week the FBI arrested people who were turned in by “friends” !

(Daily Mail) 

Turned in by a Facebook friend: Connecticut mother, 56, and daughter, 19, are arrested after friend saw photos of them at January 6 riot on social media and told FBI

Court records indicate Jean Lavin, 56, and daughter Carla Krzywicki, 19 were arrested Tuesday


1- We know that you are asking about what is going on with all the election fraud. It is hard to find news about this subject, for all the obvious reasons.

On Monday evening Sidney sat down for an extensive interview with The Truth and Liberty Coalition.

This is the place to go to learn what is happening on the election fraud front. Frankly, it is deeply concerning but Sidney offers some hope. Please watch this and share with your family and friends and push out on your social media. No one knows this subject better or can explain it better than Sidney!


Defending the Republic

Attorney Sidney Powell of Defending the Republic joins hosts Andrew Wommack and Richard Harris. Watch as they discuss our Constitutional liberties, government overreach, and more.

2- Last week we pointed you to the powerful resignation letter by Professor Peter Boghossian. We follow that up with this interview Peter did with Megyn Kelly that is both heartbreaking and hopeful.

Rebellion Against Wokeism, the Loss of Patriotism, and the Vaccine Push with Peter Boghossian | Ep. 158 – The Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly is joined by philosopher, author, and former Portland State University professor, Peter Boghossian, to talk about why he resigned over wokeism, rampant illiberalism on campus, how he found happiness in rebellion, and more.

Listen on Apple Podcasts 

3- Another Defending the Republic favorite-person-to-follow had a story to tell this week.

Alex Berenson, world class, true reporter on all things Covid-CCP, has a new booklet out about vaccines. Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote Amazon a SIX page letter yelling at them to hide, ban and censor this information. Even though Alex has been banned from Twitter, when he told his story at his Substack page, it blew up Amazon. By the next morning the book was the #1 top selling book!

As Alex wrote: Folks are angry out there. Angry at the lies and the power grab. Angry at being forced to take a vaccine that they know they don’t need and may even hurt them. Whole football stadiums are cursing Joe Biden. The protests are growing.

Sometimes people email me and tell me that I’m the tip of the spear. I’m starting to like that analogy. Because the tip is nothing without the spear behind it.

But it’s not exactly right.  I’m not the tip. The Truth is the tip. You are the spear.

-Read Warren’s letter here.

Really, do these people have nothing else to do but write long letters demanding private businesses censor free speech? We guess they don’t.

Here is the result of that letter.

AMAZON Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns: Part 4: Vaccines

4- Biden does NOT have the support of the American citizens behind him. All polling indicates that there is tepid support for his agenda.

(The Daily Wire) 

The Numbers Are In: Polling On Vaccine Mandate Very Bad News For Biden

QUOTE: The first polling data on President Joe Biden’s employer vaccine mandate were released Monday, and the findings bode incredibly poorly for POTUS.

When it comes to constitutional authority, only 29.7% of Americans think Biden is allowed to mandate employee vaccination as he outlined last week, while 58.6% say POTUS has no authority to do so.

5- There is a pent-up desire to tell the real stories behind the vaccine injuries that are happening all over the world. But the Fake News is too stupid or too bought off to even know about any of this. They got blindsided by responses that were NOT what they were expecting.

(American Greatness) 

Detroit News Station’s Appeal For Stories About Unvaccinated Loved Ones Dying of COVID Gets an Unexpected Response

QUOTE: A Detroit News station’s Facebook query about COVID-19 got an unexpected response when users swamped their comment section with stories that directly contradicted their desired narrative.

Thousands of Facebook users shared stories describing alarming vaccine side effects, or posted about fully vaxed loved ones dying of the coronavirus. The viral post appears to have become a popular forum for victims of the vaccines to share their stories.

6- Another enlightening conversation on natural immunity to Covid-CCP occurred yesterday on The Clay and Buck Show.

(The Clay and Buck Show)

Dr. Marty Makary on CDC Confusion and Natural Immunity


Thank you again. We can not thank you enough, for all of your support in our efforts.

Your support is what encourages us and drives us on to fix these problems we face as a country.

Read. Know. Share. Pray.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken