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Dear Patriots,

The email marketing system that we have used for some time to send these emails to supporters from SidneyPowell.com is called MailChimp,a popular email marketing platform.

Yesterday, we were informed by MailChimp that they will no longer do business with Sidney and Defending the Republic. There is no specific reason given, but we know the reason!
Yet another American company – MailChimp – is trying to silence Sidney,  making it difficult for her to exercise her free speech to engage with you.
Never fear, we have work arounds and back ups.  If you use MailChimp to market to or contact people via email, we encourage you to consider another service.

It is heartbreaking that a beautiful young woman has died due to a vaccine for a virus that is 99% recoverable in her age group.

Simone Scott underwent a heart transplant one month after developing what her doctors believe was myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, following her second dose of Moderna. She received the second vaccine May 1 and died June 11.  Northwestern University, where Simone was a freshman, is mandating students be vaccinated. You won’t see this death discussed in the Fake News.

19-Year-Old College Freshman Dies From Heart Problem One Month After Second Dose of Moderna Vaccine – Children’s Health Defense  June 15 2021

QUOTE: Simone Scott, a 19-year-old freshman at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., died June 11 of complications from a heart transplant she underwent after developing what her doctors believe was myocarditis following her second dose of the Moderna COVID-CCP vaccine.

Miss Scott received her second dose of Moderna on May 1, WLWT 5 reported. When the 2020 Mason High School graduate and senior class vice president paid a surprise visit to her parents for Mother’s Day, May 9, her mother said she noticed Scott wasn’t feeling well.


One important part of the Arizona Audit is complete. They have counted all the ballots. The audit now moves on to vote verification, which means, the auditors will go to addresses on the ballots and talk to people about their vote. This will drive the left into a frenzy, as we saw this week with the scare tactics of Biden’s AG Merrick Garland. For some reason they are afraid to let auditors talk to real people ?? Or find out that an address on 10 ballots is an empty lot ??

If you are in a state that has had officials tour the Arizona audit, contact your Elected Ones and urge them to support a full audit using the impeccable procedure implemented in Arizona.

AZ Audit: Hand Recount Should be COMPLETE TODAY – Senate President Karen Fann and Wyoming Officials Tour Floor – Rumblings of Future State Audits – Gateway Pundit  June 14, 2021

The hand counting portion of the Arizona Audit should be finally concluding with the last boxes of ballots on the floor.  Audit officials have been replacing hand-counting tables with forensic imaging tables in order to expedite that section of the full forensic audit.


The price of freedom over your own body is now $1,500 EXTRA a semester at this college in Memphis. But, the people who control us are pressuring students with the enticement of getting to have their lives back to normal. This is a special tax on just one group of people. And there is no reason for people this age to be vaccinated.

Rhodes College to charge unvaccinated students $1,500 ‘Health and Safety fee’ – The Washington Times    June 15, 2021

Rhodes College said it will charge unvaccinated students an extra $1,500 per semester starting this fall to cover the costs of mandatory COVID-19 testing.

The private liberal arts college in Memphis informed incoming students last week that unvaccinated students will be charged a $1,500 Health and Safety fee per semester until the FDA formally approves the vaccine, in which case all students, faculty, and staff will be required to be inoculated.

Look for Good News Friday
Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken