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Dear Patriots,

Defending The Republic attorneys and Sidney Powell have been working on several fronts and completed two major filings.
One in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the sanctions entered by Judge Parker of Michigan.
The second is an important reply brief in the Coker v Austin case in Florida identifying all of the abuse the DOD has inflicted on military members seeking exemptions from the “vaccine”.


February 7, 2022

Today, Sidney Powell filed an appeal to reverse the sanctions imposed upon her and her several co-counsel by the District Court in the Eastern District of Michigan.

The District Court sanctioned Ms. Powell and all co-counsel and local counsel for challenging the results of the 2020 election in the state of Michigan through a complaint supported by hundreds of pages of sworn testimony, witness statements and expert reports. In this appeal, Ms. Powell explains how the District Court abused its discretion in awarding sanctions to punish a complaint the District  Court simply disliked and reached this deeply flawed decision through an equally flawed process. Through these sanctions including a referral to bar associations for discipline, Judge Parker set a new and impossible standard for filing pleadings in federal court.  The court’s novel and impossible standard ignores decades of precedent in federal practice and procedure.  The brief also requests oral argument on this unprecedented ruling that threatens the livelihoods of lawyers long in good-standing in their law practices.  Briefs of Amicus are due February 14th.

Ms. Powell commented:

“Today, I filed an appeal to the Sixth Circuit, seeking to reverse the egregious sanctions imposed upon me and co-counsel for filing a lawsuit which—although not required by federal practice—appended hundreds of pages of sworn testimony and expert reports.

The right of attorneys to file a good faith complaint seeking redress of grievances without fear of judicial reprisal is crucial to the Rule of Law and protected by the “right to petition” clause of the First Amendment. The brief demonstrates to the Sixth Circuit how the District Court erred in imposing sanctions on attorneys for failing to meet a new, false pleading standard created by the District Court which stands contrary to centuries of civil procedure, the heart of our democratic process, and the First Amendment. Every lawyer can be subject to sanctions at the whim of a federal judge were this ruling allowed to stand.”

A copy of the filing can be found at our website, DefendingTheRepublic.org.


February 7, 2022

Late Friday night, February 5, 2022, Defending the Republic filed its motion in opposition to the Government’s motion to dismiss in the Coker v. Austin case. This case involves a challenge to the Department of Defense (DOD) COVID-19 vaccine mandate, the unlawful implementation of that mandate, and the FDA’s improper “approval” of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The Government is attempting to get this case dismissed, in part on the grounds that these military service members have no right or basis to sue the FDA, DOD, and the branches of the armed services. The Government alleges that our clients have not suffered any “adverse action” while their COVID-19 vaccine exemption request is pending.

The Government’s contention could not be further from the truth. In fact, our clients have suffered a wide range of adverse actions, including travel and duty restrictions, reprimands, and the denial of promotions because they have submitted vaccine exemption requests. One of our clients, a doctor, was removed from his position as a medical director, has received multiple counseling sessions and reprimands, had his treating privileges suspended, and even faces the loss of his medical license for standing up for his principles, and the real science.

We also allege the DOD is illegally mandating emergency use vaccines when they only have the authority to mandate “approved” vaccines. We have informed the Court that the current FDA approved vaccines are unavailable in the United States.

Additionally, we are asking the court to reject the FDA’s “approval” of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, in that it was issued without proper testing and made with the improper purpose to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for nearly all Americans.

Defending the Republic will continue to fight for the informed consent rights of all military service members and all Americans, and will do its part to hold the Biden Administration, the DOD, and the FDA accountable for their abuses of power.

A copy of this filing can be found at our website – DefendingTheRepublic.org .

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic