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Dear Patriots,

Does it feel as if you are the only person who is seeing what is happening to you, your family and your country?  We get those feelings too.

At Defending the Republic, we want you have the armor of Truth so that you know you are NOT alone in this unprecedented battle for all freedoms, big and small.

Today we bring you information that is both uplifting and disturbing. We do not cover-up the bad things. You can not solve a problem if you can not clearly identify the problem.

It may seem that we are talking about the vaccine a lot. That is because the left is using Covid-CCP as a wedge to take away ALL personal freedom. We urge you to know the facts and resist as best you can.

Join us on Wednesday at NOON and WALK OUT FOR FREEDOM. Walk out and protest your place of employment and your school at noon your time zone on Wednesday, August 11. No one should be forced, coerced, or pressured to inject the COVID shots.


1- Disturbing is not even close to describing what is happening as outlined by Dr Mercola.

What Will Segregated Society Look Like for the Unvaxxed?

(Dr. Joseph Mercola)

QUOTE: On the election fraud front, there is a lot happening but, not much of it is being reportedIf deep down in your gut you sense that we’re speeding into dangerous territory, you’re probably right.
2- In-depth investigation into “overvoting” in Fulton County, Atlanta GA.
All existing laws and regulations were over looked in order to take spoiled ballots and give the vote to Biden.

Georgia ballots rejected by machines were later altered by election workers to count

QUOTE: Records obtained by Just the News provide unprecedented glimpse into human adjudication of thousands of ballots, where marks for candidates like Trump were sometimes removed so ballots could count for Biden.

A day after the November election, as Donald Trump and other Republican candidates clung to evaporating leads in Georgia, vote counters in Atlanta were confronted by a paper ballot known only by its anonymizing number 5150-232-18.

A Dominion Voting machine had rejected the ballot on election night because the voter had filled in boxes for both Trump and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, an error known as an “overvote.” The machine determined neither candidate should get a tally, and the ballot was referred for human review.

3- Who decides if your views are “unpopular” ?  At the University of Oklahoma, right smack in the middle of what used to be thought of the sensible Midwest, a volleyball coach kicked a talented athlete off the team because she had “unpopular” views.
This is a little-reported case that is at the heart of the First Amendment.  Keep your eye on it and we will give you updates on the case as we find them.
Oklahoma Coaches Claim Right to Discipline Players For Unpopular Viewpoints
4- They lied. It was not a toned down event due to the Delta Variant. It was a circus tent full of unmasked people who were not socially distancing. It is fine for our elites to love life and celebrate occasions. But don’t YOU try that!


Inside Obama’s bash

QUOTE: Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY): “Democrats are imposing forced vaccine mandates, unscientific masks mandates, and are openly discussing lockdowns, while President Obama gathers with hundreds of maskless liberal elites who flew in on private jets with no vaccine requirement to attend.” I could listen to her all day.
But, it did show everyone what we have been saying: DO NOT COMPLY!

Dan Crenshaw ‘Thanks’ Birthday-Bash Obamas For Lockdown Message: ‘Do Not Comply’

QUOTE: Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) sarcastically thanked former President Barack Obama for throwing his massive allegedly “scaled back” birthday bash over the weekend for illustrating to the American people that they should “not comply” with strict lockdown measures.

5- Hundreds Protest Vaccination Mandates in Michigan
QUOTE:  LANSING, Mich.—About 800 protesters gathered Friday afternoon on the grounds outside the Michigan State Capitol to rally against government mandates for vaccinations and masks.

In a call for residents to push back against the government’s increasingly intrusive health policies and protect Americans’ rights during the pandemic, Tammy Clark, executive director of the conservative group “Stand Up Michigan,” encouraged the audience to let their voices be heard through non-violent civil disobedience.
6- This is a powerful speech by Legal Insurrection founder, William Jacobson on the threat to our children with Critical Race Theory.
We suggest that you share this with your state representatives and senators.

(Legal Insurrection)

“The fight over Critical Race Theory in education is a fight in many ways for our national survival”

QUOTE: My address on Critical Race Theory in education to state legislators: “I want to talk about how you can save the nation…. If you wanted to think of a way to tear this country apart, it’s hard to think of a way better than what they are doing.”

7- Another great interview with Sidney. Here she and Brannon Howse discuss what may have really happened on Jan 6 and all of the questions that the government is silent on.

8- We end today with this wonderful writing by the great reporter, Salena Zito. It makes us want to pack the car and drive to South Dakota this afternoon!

(Washington Examiner)

In South Dakota, the road signs lead to the Wall

QUOTE: WALL, South Dakota — Everything about Wall Drug, arguably the most iconic and long-lasting drug store in America, exemplifies a doggedness. It took persistence not only to survive but also thrive against insurmountable odds in a place few thought a small business had any business starting an enterprise in the first place.

In this little prairie town exists this community where people from all different socioeconomic and geographical places feel that connective tissue with each other and with a druggist family that punched above its weight class.

It is something they find lacking every time they consume the news, go to buy a product, or even watch any major sporting event. Everything about Wall Drug from its early trials to its innovative path to prosperity reflects that frontier spirit America was built on; it is an enduring quality that has embodied us and still embodies us to this day. 

As always.
  • Share this information as wide as you can.
  • Use the links to post on any social media you may still be on.
  • Make your own email list to send out and spread the word.
Pray for our country.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken

P.S. Firing people because they question the Covid-CCP vaccine hurts a lot of people, many are little.