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Hello 2022

Dear Patriots, This year will be pivotal for each of us and for our country. Defending The Republic is optimistic that our year of building and organizing places us in a position to bring real solutions to the many issues that face us. We have produced this brief...

You may have heard…

Dear Patriots, As much as we may wish the world would stop for a second during this time of year, it doesn’t seem to cooperate. While you were celebrating Christmas, events did happen that you may have heard some snippets of information about. Here are a few...

Defending the Republic Friends and Family

Defending The Republic When you do not know what to give your friends and family, Give the gift that keeps on giving… a chance to see Sidney Powell live. Buy your tickets now Click Here therenewal2022.org/reserve Just in time for Christmas Get your tickets...

We wish you a joyous and meaningful Christmas

Dear Patriots, We love that this week much of the world moves toward the ultimate celebration of the birth of Christ. Despite all the upset, turmoil and uncertainty, Christmas comes; and with it comes wonderful family traditions. Traditions are passed down from one...

Good News Friday: Dec 17

Dear Patriots, This is our last Good News Friday for 2021! During this past year, it has sometimes been a challenge to find good news. But, if you are looking, you will find it. We hope you enjoy this feature and will continue to do so in 2022! ### 1- Americans are...