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Dear Patriots,

There are so many moving parts on so many issues this week; but, overall, there was some good news emerging.


1- This will be hard to pass through the House but, we will take this victory with glee.  Elected Republicans sometimes recognize they are the ones who need to fight for liberty.

(Just The News)  

Senate votes to repeal Biden COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses

QUOTE: In a major rebuke to President Joe Biden, the Senate voted 52-48 to repeal the administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate requiring private businesses with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated, undergo testing, or be fired.

The final vote of the evening on Wednesday, the bill was unanimously supported by Republicans, and Democrat Sens. Jon Tester (Mont.) and Joe Manchin (W.V.).

The vaccine mandate, issued by executive order, affects more than 80 million Americans, and would impose a $14,000 fine on those who do not comply.

The legislation will head to the Democratic-controlled House, where it is expected to face a difficult battle to pass.


2- If you have been following the legal battles surrounding January 6, you will want to read these stories.

There is likely a lot of Brady material (evidence of innocence or otherwise favorable to the defense) in the information Bannon seeks.

He is entitled to that as a matter of law.  Read LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice for the Truth of DOJs own special ops against individuals.

(National Pulse) 

Left Media Panic Over Bannon ‘Blowing Up the Whole System’ With Legal Fight

QUOTE: The Daily Beast – a far-left web blog – appears to be channeling the panic emanating from those who have supported the criminal prosecution of former Trump advisor Stephen K. Bannon for “contempt of Congress”.

In an article from Thursday morning, the site reports:

  Bannon is attempting to force investigators to potentially expose who they’ve talked to and what they’ve said, peek into secret communications on the committee, and create a playbook for other resistant witnesses, according to several legal experts….

  As Bannon faces criminal charges, he’s entitled to the evidence against him. And in a typical galaxy-brain, Bannon countergambit, Trump’s former senior adviser is trying to make some of that evidence public.

  According to a Sunday night court filing by federal prosecutors, that includes secret witness interviews by law enforcement and internal communications between House committee staff members. The Justice Department claims that, if this material were exposed to the public, it would cause “specific harms” like “witness tampering,” with the added effect of making it difficult to find impartial jurors at a future trial.

In reality, such legal maneuvers are both commonplace and indeed best practice.

 Shining a light on the bogus January 6th House Committee.

(National Pulse) 

John Eastman’s Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its ‘Subpoenas’.

QUOTE: Lawyers acting for constitutional law professor John Eastman have picked apart the raison d’etre for the January 6th Congressional committee, as well pointing out the potential for abuse of power and breaches of House rules.

Eastman – a target of the commission – is held up as guilty of insurrection by the political left for having the constitutional opinion that Vice President Mike Pence had no obligation to count ballots for states where political and legal proceedings were underway regarding election fraud.

The fisking of the committee will irk the already enfeebled group of Democrats, fresh off their latest round of embarrassments at the hands of another target: former Trump advisor Stephen K. Bannon.


3- Don’t believe what you hear. The Biden vax mandates are toast. Even a left-wing Democrat like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has changed her tune.

(Don Suber) 

Mandates lose in courts and public opinion

QUOTE: That is one of five vax mandates Biden issued. Each covers a particular group. Each is going down in flames in the courts because the Constitution did not make him the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz.

The court of public opinion is turning on vax mandates.

In September, Gallup reported 68% of Americans supported, “Requiring companies with more than 100 employees to provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated or to recover from vaccine side effects.”

3 months later, The Hill reported, “50% of voters back President Biden’s vaccine mandate for large private companies, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday. “The poll also found 47% of voters opposed the measure.”

Democrats in DC can read polls. They are unhappy.

Politico reported, “In recent comments, several high-profile Democrats have stated their opposition to vaccine mandates, specifically applied to private businesses. The most recent Democratic lawmaker to voice her concern was Michigan Gov. GRETCHEN WHITMER. Once considered to be Biden’s vice president, Whitmer said she opposes mandates, citing the impact on the state’s workforce — as Michigan grapples with upticks in cases and residents are split on whether or not to get the vaccine.”


4- Biden is not the only socialist politician who is losing in court.

(Becker News)   

NY Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Blow to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Vaccine Mandate

QUOTE: New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio issued a vaccine mandate on October 29. But in a ruling that throws into question the legality of the “mandate,” a judge for the Supreme Court of New York has blocked it.

“Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for New York City employees, including the NYPD, has been blocked by a Manhattan court,” Newsweek reported. “On Tuesday, Judge Frank P. Nervo in the Supreme Court of New York gave notice that the mandate was suspended, pending a hearing scheduled for December 14,” the report added.

“The ruling comes shortly after Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would also require private-sector workers to be vaccinated by Dec. 27. That policy affects about 184,000 businesses,” the Wall Street Journal noted.


5- Great news. But do not count on hearing it much from the Fake-Corporate Media.


Reports Show Omicron Is the Least Severe Variant of COVID-19 Yet

QUOTE: Get ready for a lot of panic but not a lot to panic about as reports show that Omicron, while being the latest variant, is the least threatening of the COVID-19 variants according to reports.

According to the New York Times, the variant comes from South Africa where, despite spreading rapidly, seems to have little or no effect on those who contract it. Researchers in Pretoria sent reports that those with this variant of the Coronavirus are “much less sick” than previous patients.

“In fact, they said, most of their infected patients were admitted for other reasons and have no Covid symptoms,” said the Times.

Given the patterns, our government and media are likely to make the omicron’s heightened case numbers the focal point and not the lack of symptoms. The real virus will be the fear the left attempts to introduce to the people, but if everyone stops and pays attention to the entirety of the data, we may come to realize that omicron is the least scary of a virus that doesn’t exactly have a lot of scary things about it in the first place, especially as the variants continue to parade themselves around the world, progressively becoming less and less dangerous as viruses do.


6- The more young people not watching these shows the better for everyone!


Kimmel, Colbert, Fallon Ratings Plummet for Four Months Straight Among Key Youth Demographic

QUOTE: In a sign of their declining popularity, late-night comedians Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Jimmy Fallon have seen their ratings plummet for more than four months straight, as viewers in the coveted 18-49 year old demographic are tuning out consistently compared to last year, according to data reviewed by Breitbart News.

For last week, the three major late-night shows experienced a 19 percent drop from last year in their average weekly viewership in the 18-49 demographic. These declines tend to be between 10 percent and 20 percent every week as far back as mid July, though some weeks saw even bigger drops. The week ending October 10 saw a 28 percent drop from the same week last year.

The data showed similar but less precipitous drops for total households.

The across-the-board ratings decline signals trouble for the three major networks as they continue to use their late-night shows to push a radical left-wing agenda while demonizing conservatives.


7- A small device placed in every classroom, protected hundreds of children.


Oxford High School parents say Nightlock door stops saved their kids’ lives

QUOTE: Parents of Oxford High School students in Michigan are thanking the door lock company that installed door stops throughout the school district. They say this company helped save their kids’ lives — and hundreds more after a school shooting last month that left four dead and seven injured.

Jack Taylor, the co-founder of Nightlock, tells WEYI News nearly 700 door barricades are inside the Oxford School District, with every classroom having at least one door stop box. Parents in the district are now extremely grateful for these devices.

It’s just overwhelming, the feeling that we get knowing that we saved lives,” Taylor said.

Emotions are still high after the traumatic events in Oxford. Those emotions are felt around the world, and specifically for the people of Nightlock who say they have received a number of calls from grateful parents.


8- Many New Yorkers love living in that exciting city; but as more and more freedoms are striped away, people are leaving. This is one story of a family moving out of a city they adore. Thankfully, as Americans we can move from state to state. At least so far….

(The American Conservative) 

QUOTE: Now layer the Covid biomedical security state on top of all this: the cruel and development-warping masking of kids, which won’t end anytime soon, if ever, though we have known for more than a year that they are at minuscule risk from the virus and transmit it at a much lower rate than do adults; the prolonged lockdowns that carved a swath of destruction through some of the most beloved small businesses in my little rectangle and many other neighborhoods, as well; the endless vax-mandate and booster-shot treadmill, just extended to children as young as 5; and, yes, the added informal enforcement of it all by sad, mostly childless middle-aged white women henpecking you in elevators and in department stores, even when and where mask mandates aren’t in effect.

You know what? Take the Big Apple dream and shove it—for now, at least. I’ll miss my rectangle, but not enough to subject my family to its insanities.


9- What a wonderful history of the timeless and special “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. The perfect show to watch with the family this weekend.

(Intellectual Takeout) 

How ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Symbolizes the Triumph of Common Sense

QUOTE: December 9th marks the anniversary of the Christmas TV special which basically birthed all others: “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

For those unfamiliar with the tale, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” went from conception to classic in a manner of months, something that simply doesn’t happen in the world of television production.

But what few people know is that before the special aired on television, Peanuts creator Charles Schulz and his crew believed their Christmas special was following in the footsteps of Charlie Brown himself and was doomed to be a failure. Just like in Charlie Brown’s Christmas story, those who had commissioned Schulz and his crew to do the show were quick to pile on and express their disappointment with the television product.

But as we now know, Schulz, his crew, and the executives from CBS were dead wrong. The program became an overnight hit, pulling in almost half of the TV ratings for the evening. The show went on to win both an Emmy and a Peabody award, and has been broadcast every Christmas since that memorable one in 1965.

The reason I find the backstory behind “A Charlie Brown Christmas” so fascinating is because of how it highlights the great disconnect between the ordinary, average American and those in life who pull the strings.


10- We often talk about how important getting healthy is; it is integral to the overall war we are waging.

This piece discusses the massive health benefits of being grateful.

(The Epoch Times)  

The Profound Health Benefits of Being Grateful

QUOTE: Gratitude is a simple practice that can have profound effects on your health and well-being. Positive effects linked to gratitude include social, psychological, and physical benefits, which increase the more you make gratitude a regular part of your daily routine.

“The limits to gratitude’s health benefits are really in how much you pay attention to feeling and practicing gratitude,” said neuroscientist Glenn Fox, a gratitude expert at the University of Southern California. “It’s very similar to working out, in that the more you practice, the better you get. The more you practice, the easier it is to feel grateful when you need it.”



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Defending The Republic