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Dear Patriots,

We hear from many people who ask if they are the ONLY people in the country who can see what is going on.

You are not crazy but the world has gone crazy. Be encouraged knowing that many people see, know and are working on fixing the things that we all know are off kilter.

You will feel 100% better if you stop watching ALL cable news.  Including Fox News.

What is the alternative? Where can you get news you can trust – be it good or bad – news that is the Truth?

You have made the decision to receive this newsletter, so you are off to a good start.  Pass along these newsletters and encourage your like-minded friends to subscribe.

Many of you are missing being able to get truthful news daily from Rush Limbaugh. We miss him too.

There are so many podcasts out there.  It is hard to select one that you can listen to daily.  We suggest that you make The War Room your daily go to.

Go to this link and scroll down to:


You can watch The War Room every morning Mon – Sat from 10-12 pm EST. Also at 5 pm daily.

If you miss the Live Broadcast, you can listen any time on your phone from the Apple Podcast.

This is ALL you need to listen to get the real news.  You are not getting real news any longer from Fox News and certainly not from the other cable and network channels.

You can click links at The War Room website and go back to older episodes. They are all numbered to help you keep them straight.  You will find them fascinating!

It may take a while to get all the nuances of the show, but keep at it.  Remember, you listened to Rush for 30 years!! So this will take some getting used to.

For breaking news on your phone, we suggest that you download the Apps: GETTR and Telegram.

GETTR is similar to Twitter but better. It is growing quickly all over the world.

Telegram is also a good source of grassroots information.

It is very important that people remain connected and able to communicate. It is getting harder all the time to get information that is not being censored and manipulated by the current socialist administration.

NOW! For some GOOD NEWS!

1 – WOW! This press conference on Tuesday was uplifting. We heartily support America’s Frontline Doctors and urge you to support them and follow their efforts to protect Americans from medical tyranny. This video is well worth your time. Do not live with lies. We have been lied to. You do not have to participate in the lie.

The summit has been broken into three video, watch them all. Scroll down to Latest Videos,

2 – Add Maryland to the list is states looking into vote irregularity. (The Gateway Pundit)

3 – Wisconsin is moving quickly toward a full audit, using the Arizona Audit as a guide. (TheGatewayPundit)

4 – There is a worldwide spontaneous push back on the vaccine. (Richardson Post) 

5 – You are not alone in thinking that our top leadership is lacking. Biden and Harris have ever falling approval numbers. (Conservative Opinion)

6 – Parents of all political persuasions are revolting against the the horrible, dangerous Critical Race Theory being forced on their children in the government run propaganda factories formerly known as, schools. Stay vigilante on this. Protect your kids. You are all they have for protection. (The Daily Wire)

7 – Little by little. One school at a time. When parents fight back, they often win. Russell Virginia school board voted unanimously to reject CRT and transgender policy. (The Conservative Opinion)

8 – This is an excellent video on the Arizona Audit with Arizona Republican Kelli Ward.  (Conservative Treehouse)

9 – So good to see an elected Republican bring some fire to the U.S House. This is Chip Roy, (TX-R)

More next week.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken