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Dear Patriots,
So much has happened in the last few days! We want to keep you up to date but we are also sensitive to sending you too many emails. We will pack this one with information!

Over the weekend, in Dallas, TX, there was a great event called For God & Country Patriot Roundup. Sidney was a Keynote Speaker.

Sidney told Team Kraken this about the event and we wanted to share with you:

This was an amazing gathering of Americans who stand for the flag and kneel only for God. I just spent an inspiring weekend in Dallas–celebrating our Constitution, cherished liberties and unalienable rights enshrined therein, and honoring those who sacrificed all for us to maintain them. Thanks to John and Amy for putting it all together!”

It was a reminder of the John Donne poem: 

No man is an island, 

Entire of itself, 

Every man is a piece of the continent, 

A part of the main.

Here is a clip of stage conversation that you will enjoy:


What is going on with Dr. Fauci?

A group of emails from Dr. Fauci’s government account have been revealed in a leak and they are enlightening. They prove that Dr. Fauci knew that there was no need to wear masks and no symptomatic spread. In other words, the Lock Downs were unnecessary.

Here is an excellent run through of the emails and what they mean by Raheem Kassam on the War Room with Steve Bannon. We suggest you listen to both parts of today’s podcast but the Fauci emails are in Episode # 993.

–Listen on Apple Podcasts: Episode # 992- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bannons-war-room/id1485351658#episodeGuid=warroomimpeachment.podbean.com

–And this: Episode # 993

Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bannons-war-room/id1485351658?i=1000523968047

As more and more people are combing through the thousands of Fauci emails, more information is being revealed. Keep watching this story. Note: as of this writing, the NYTimes has not mentioned one word about the bombshell emails proving Fauci lied and people died.


Bombshell Emails Reveal That Fauci Wasn’t Being Straight With the American People
Megan Fox    PJ MEDIA  June 2 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci is getting roasted all over social media after the Washington Post and BuzzFeed released scores of his emails, obtained through FOIA requests. The ones that aren’t heavily redacted tell quite a story. It should come as no surprise to readers of PJ Media that Dr. Fauci didn’t believe the line of crap he sold us about wearing “the typical mask you buy in the drugstore” to protect us from the virus—at least he didn’t in Feb. 2020. (READ MORE AT LINK)


Problems with the vaccine are being avoided in the Drive By Media. 


Revolver Series, Part One: 

Exposing the Media’s Plot to Hide Record Vaccine Deaths and Deceive Americans

Guest Post by Michael Thau, Ph.D.

“What is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal.”

That’s what Tucker Carlson claimed, at any rate, prompting outraged denials from the old-guard media and those self-appointed “fact-checkers” who sprung up out of nowhere a few years back, claiming to be the final arbiters of truth.

Carlson was referring to the unusually large number of reports of people who’ve died after getting vaccinated for COVID-19 piling up in the CDC’s official database, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

And, if nothing else, we learned that those who control which facts and figures become objects of national obsession — those who most of us will never hear a word about — are hell-bent on keeping the VAERS data firmly in the latter camp.

As of May 28, VAERS contains 4,561 reports of post-Covid jab fatalities.

That’s liable to not sound like very much if, like virtually everyone, you’ve never heard of VAERS.

After all, though most folks have been mesmerized into pretending otherwise about COVID-19 itself, we all know dying with isn’t really the same thing as dying from.

Nor is dying after.

So, given that around 8,000 Americans ordinarily perish in a single day, what’s so odd about finding 4,500 post-vaccination fatalities in five months during which time half the country got jabbed?  (Read More at Link)


Young people are at a very low risk of getting or dying from Covid but some young men in Israel are having a bad reaction to the shot they do not need.


Israel reports link between rare cases of heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccination in young men

By Gretchen Vogel, Jennifer Couzin-Frankel  Jun. 1, 2021                       SCIENCE MAGAZINE

The COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer and BioNTech appears to put young men at elevated risk of developing a heart muscle inflammation called myocarditis, researchers in Israel say. In a report submitted today to the Israeli Ministry of Health, they conclude that between one in 3000 and one in 6000 men ages 16 to 24 who received the vaccine developed the rare condition. But most cases were mild and resolved within a few weeks, which is typical for myocarditis.

“I can’t imagine it’s going to be anything that would cause medical people to say we shouldn’t vaccinate kids,” says Douglas Diekema, a pediatrician and bioethicist at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Israeli health officials first flagged the issue in April, when they reported more than 60 cases, mostly in young men who had received their second dose of vaccine a few days earlier. Around the same time, the U.S. Department of Defense began to track 14 such cases.

In mid-May, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it, too, was reviewing myocarditis cases. Officials at the European Medicines Agency said on 28 May they had received 107 reports of myocarditis following the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, or about one in 175,000 doses administered. But relatively few people under age 30 have been vaccinated in Europe. (Read More At Link)

Be on the Look Out for our billboards … take a picture and let Sidney know when you see one …




Sidney and Defending the Republic are committed to helping people who are being forced to get the Covid vaccine by employers, schools and other entities. For more resources visit our website: https://defendingtherepublic.org/covid/

Here are links to pdf forms to print out and give to your employer or to a university where your children may be attending. These forms make sure that they are on record as providing the answers to questions surrounding the vaccine and potential after effects.



Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken