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Dear Patriots,

We know that many of you are being harassed and threatened by your employers to get the unproven, unsafe, worthless Covid-CCP vaccine.

Mandates are not laws. They have no force in law. No legislature has approved Biden’s mandates. No legislature has approved the unilateral decisions by Democratic governors on lockdowns and masks.

These are unilateral decisions by leaders with totalitarian tendencies. This is an assault on America’s traditional freedoms and liberty and must be resisted with all means at our disposal.

People who don’t want to get the vaccine also are entitled to their decision without government coercion, corporate coercion, medical coercion or public derision.

For more support, visit America’s Frontline Doctors.


1- In 1976, the United States went through a similar situation with The Swine Flu. In this piece there is a video from an old “60 Minutes” report by Mike Wallace.

We must resist repeating having the government force us into bad health decisions.


[VIDEO] This Short Clip From 1976 “60 Minutes” Piece On Swine Flu Vaccination Has Gone Viral

2- While almost all Americans are being forced by the government to get the vaccine, Biden has exempted not only illegal immigrants but, his own staff and the staff of the entire Senate.

(The Daily Wire) 

Biden Targets Millions Of Americans With Vaccine Threat, But Not Illegal Immigrants

QUOTE: Although President Biden has targeted millions of Americans with his threat that employers with 100 or more employees must ensure their work forces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week, there’s one group whom Biden has assiduously avoided targeting with his vaccine pronouncements: illegal immigrants.

(The Epoch Times) 

Members of Congress, Federal Judges, Staffers Exempt From Vaccine Mandate

QUOTE: On Thursday evening, President Joe Biden unveiled two executive orders that could mandate vaccinations for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus for millions of working Americans in both the public and private spheres. But absent from these mandates are similar requirements for members of Congress, federal judges, or their staffers.

3-The War Room spent most of the show today, Monday, September 13 on the growing crisis in our health care systems due to Covid-CCP issues. This show is a wealth of information and action.  We encourage you to find the podcast, listen and share.

(The War Room) 

Listen on Apple Podcasts

4- Good information video on Ivermectin.

The Evidence For Ivermectin And COVID-19


5- This is a real and serious threat to overall health in America brought on by unlawful mandates.

(KIRO 7 News Seattle) 

NY hospital to pause baby deliveries after staffers quit over vaccine mandate

QUOTE:  An upstate New York hospital said it will pause the delivery of babies in two weeks because of a spate of resignations by maternity unit workers who are objecting to COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

Lewis County General Hospital, in Lowville, will temporarily stop delivering babies after Sept. 24, WWNY reported.

6- You would think that this horrible man would have an answer for this study. But, he does not. His ONLY answer is the vaccine.

(The Epoch Times)

Fauci: No ‘Firm Answer’ on Why Americans Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Get Vaccinated

QUOTE: The real-world study, conducted by Israeli researchers, found that previous COVID-19 infection confers better protection against infection and hospitalization than COVID-19 vaccines.


Much more news and information will be coming. We thank you again for your wonderful support. We strongly believe that if we remain together and keep fighting with all of our resources we will be win this war.

Hold Fast,

Sidney & Team Kraken