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“These are the times that try men’s souls”

Dear Patriots, While foreign affairs is not usually one of our concentrations, we are heartsick, frustrated, and furious over the developments in Afghanistan. Please pray for the people of Afghanistan who have been abandoned and left in chaos. Pray too that US...

Good News Friday – August 13

Dear Patriots, What a week this has been! There has been so much information and activity on every topic that we have been working on for all of these months. 1-  One of the five worst Governors in this country was forced out of office, by his own party.  We continue...

Pray for the Truth to be revealed

Dear Patriots, We begin today by asking that you pray specifically that the Truth will be revealed. Pray that the blinders will be lifted from the eyes of all Americans to SEE the Truth. And pray to protect those working to reveal the Truth. 1- If you are not watching...