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“To honor and recognize one who has sought to preserve and defend our republic by maintaining the integrity of our elections and our electoral process; who understands the rights of citizens and the responsibilities of their officials; who has the courage, the integrity, and the legal competence to pursue these ends; who disregards the mockery, the disdain, the lies, and the threats of those under scrutiny; who has, in the interest of truth and justice, taken up an unpopular but critical cause, essential to the preservation of Liberty and the Bill of Rights for generations to come”

-Carris K


“We are so thankful for all you are doing to defend America, Americans, and the values that unite We The People!”

-Daniel F


“I want to let you know that whatever they do to try to smear you, nothing will change my trust in you that you stand for integrity and will fight to keep our freedom. Thank you for all that you do.”

-Mai-Trang N


“The WaPo and MSNBC propaganda is validation. What I find entertaining is how desperate they are to shut you up. When I donate to Defending the Republic I couldn’t care less if it has to go for gas in your car, fighting off Dominion counter attacks, late night pizza for the team in Sidney’s firm or others. It was to fight election fraud however it had to be spent. If some goes to help the 1/6ers or to fight vax-mandates so it; anything that Defends what’s left of our constitutional republic. God (the real one) bless you all. “

-Paul P


“Thank you for your hard work & supporting the January 6th patriots. God loves you, I will continue my support for your defend the republic.”

-Lori H


“I love it and support it. Completely. This country has being ripped apart. I have family that have fought for this country and along with many that have died defending our freedoms and will be damned if to stand by and let this happen thank you.”

-James B


“Just wanted you to know that you are one of few voices I trust. Thank you for all you do, and God Bless.”

-Regina H


“Thank you for all you are doing for all of us.. I wept when I heard your message today at the renewal .. I am asking God to give you more than 10 lawyers because he can do more than we can ask or think. Keep the faith!”

-Wanda H


“I am humbled and deeply appreciative of the work that Sidney and the team are doing on behalf of the rest of us.”

-E F


“THANK YOU for everything you and your team are doing to Save Our Republic, Sidney! I commend and respect you and I stand 100% behind you!”

-Jerri G



-Stephanie C


“God, Love, Truth, Freedom, Bible, Constitution, Law, Integrity, Military, Hotdogs, Apple Pie and “We the People-Not-We the Government.””

-Gary W


“I cannot thank you all enough for continuing to pursue Truth and continuing to work to save our precious Republic. I am praying daily for all of you, and other brave souls like you, and for Truth to be revealed and for the evil that is going on to be brought to light and thwarted.”

-Charlotte H


“Thank you for your organization and all of your hard work. I pray for you almost daily and continuously for our country as well. I believe it will truly take a miracle, and repentance to overcome this tyrannical takeover of the American government. You and your team are a blessing and a beacon of hope.”

-Barbara S


“I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work you and your team provide for us. You are all true patriots. Your courage and strength gives us hope in the republic we cherish. Our prayers are with you.”

-Mark M


“Thank you – I just made a $1000 donation. If I didn’t say earlier, I am the “Coker”, in the Coker v. Austin case, and we all are so appreciative of DTR and our lawyers B*** J*** and T*** M***. I wouldn’t mind if you mentioned this to them. :-)”

-Ben C


I just wanted to take a minute and say THANK YOU for convincing me last August to apply for a religious exemption from taking the vaccine. My employer mandated vaccination for all district management and above and I was really on the fence, not wanting to put a target on my back for refusing. My wife contacted DTR and one of your female attorneys called me, I apologize I don’t recall her name. She convinced me to stand my ground and apply for the exemption. I did, and it was approved. All I had to do was test weekly up until late January when they ended our testing program. With all the data that is now coming out about the vaccines and the obvious harm they have caused tens of thousands, I am SO glad I didn’t let them put that poison in my body. That phone call potentially saved my life! My entire family is unvaccinated, we’ve all had Covid, and we’re all fine! Keep up the great work you’re doing, Kim and I will continue to support your efforts. These are dark days but freedom is alive and well, as long as we never let them take it from us. God Bless you and God Bless America!