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Trump – 193,559 (69.9%)
Biden – 73,491 (26.6%)


First Idaho, Now Wyoming – these two states avoided the simulation of 2020 and give an accurate view of what the true dynamics of the election were. Biden has fewer votes in WY than Obama did in 2008, when he lost the state by 32%.


Contrast this with a vote total in Utah nearly double Obama’s total from 2008, and a very strong vote gain in MT, and you see that WY was not part of the game plan.


Yellow – Suspect/Likely Fraud (1)
Green – Clean (22)


Albany County, home to University of Wyoming, is the only one that pings on my yellow list, and perhaps only for about 1,000 votes, enough to flip the county from red to blue, despite a Trump gain and a slight GOP registration edge over the past four years, in a county won by the last two Republican nominees.


A very clean, nice example of another Rocky Mountain state trending in the 2008-12-16 fashion, as predicted by party registration totals.