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Sharing – It’s such a simple thing to do.

Dear Patriots, The best thing you can do to help in the fight to save our country is to share information with others. We see evidence that this one small action is having great results on opinions about many different issues. We have to count on each other for...

Very Important Developments this week!

Dear Patriots, Stay tuned for some very important developments this week. The DTR lawyers are “Kraken” on the vaxx mandate, the January 6 defendants, helping our military, and small business fight all these communist totalitarian incursions–not to...

Good News Friday – Sept 17

Dear Patriots, Just in case you did not have time to watch this informative interview with Sidney about the work being done on election fraud or read her Op-Ed on what happened on January 6, here are the links again. Rumble — Attorney Sidney Powell...

The Untold Story by Sidney Powell

Dear Patriots, There is still so much about the election of November 2020 and the aftermath that remains shrouded in lies and secrecy. One person at the center of this tumultuous time was our own, Sidney Powell. If you have read her excellent book, Licensed To...

The Truth is the tip of the spear

Dear Patriots, At Defending the Republic, the Kraken Attorneys have been working to help the political prisoners who have been locked in solitary confinement and 23-hour lockdown for the past 8 months, by their own government We have seen first hand the devastation...

Mandates are not laws

Dear Patriots, We know that many of you are being harassed and threatened by your employers to get the unproven, unsafe, worthless Covid-CCP vaccine. Mandates are not laws. They have no force in law. No legislature has approved Biden’s mandates. No legislature...