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Hanging in there. Not giving up.

Dear Patriots, Big News! The court in Colorado in Coomer v. Trump, et al. just granted Sidney Powell and Joe Oltmann a two hour deposition of Dominion former VP and head of Security Eric Coomer regarding his Facebook posts, their authenticity, and his deletion of any....

Good News Friday – September 3

As we go into the long Labor Day Weekend, we hope you stay safe and have an opportunity to get a bit of rest, recreation, and restoration for your selves. We are making progress on getting to the Truth. We must keep sharing it. Here’s some good news to take with...

American Spirit

Dear Patriots, The spirit, bravery, generosity and can-do attitude of Americans is on full display this week. You may not have seen these stories because it goes against that Big Media and Big Government narrative that only the government can save us. When many...

Good New Friday – August 27

Dear Patriots, We know that you are as concerned and disturbed as we are by the events in Afghanistan and what the future implications will be.  We know that everywhere you look you are seeing signs that will lead to disastrous results. We ask that you hold fast. ...

We have to learn to live with this.

We have to learn to live with this.  Dear Patriots, We are dumbstruck by the rushed “approval” of the vaccine. As we always say, we are not doctors. We are not telling you what to do with your body. We hope to offer you information you will not find in the...